The annual Access to Higher Education conference, organised by the Access Validating Agency OCN London, will this year focus on the themes of recruitment, progression and success for mature learners.
Over the past five years the number of part-time learners in higher education has declined by 60 per cent. Almost all Access to HE Diploma students are mature learners, and they face many of the same issues and barriers as those struggling to enter, progress and succeed in HE, so there is an urgent need to address the matter at this level as part of the process of preparation for HE..
Keynote speaker Les Ebdon will address these issues and present the findings of recent research conducted by the Office for Fair Access (OFFA) where ways of meeting the particular needs of mature learners are highlighted…
Title of conference:
Access to HE for Mature Learners: Recruitment, Progression, Success
Date: Wednesday 1 November 2017. Starts at 10am. Finishes at 4.30pm.
Venue: Royal Overseas League, 5 Park Place, St James’s, London, SW1A 1LR.
Keynote speakers:
• Professor Les Ebdon, Director of Fair Access to Higher Education, OFFA
• Peter Mayhew-Smith, Group Principal and CEO, South Thames Colleges Group
Workshops – morning
• Innovation in delivery to support widening participation.
• Recruitment and retention of Access to HE learners.
• Effective assessment strategies to improve achievement.
Workshops – afternoon
• Developing provision and facilities in health and social care.
• Preparing mature learners for higher education
• Effective assessment strategies to improve achievement.
The event is aimed at
• Access teachers and managers in colleges
• admission tutors and academic staff in universities
• quality managers in FE and HE
• widening participation staff FE and HE
• people in the education sector and beyond who are interested in improving access for mature learners.
To find out more and register.
About OCN London: OCN London is a national not-for-profit organisation that creates and awards qualifications. It is one of the UK’s leading access validating agencies. Their mission is to help create a fairer society where everyone, whatever their educational background, has an opportunity to benefit from learning, realise their potential and fulfil their goals.