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ESFA weekly round-up – Issue 358

ESFA weekly round-up - Issue 356

Education & Skills Funding Agency’s weekly round-up of business-critical information to ESFA-funded colleges, other training organisations and direct grant employers. (14 June 2017)

1. Submission of final exceptional learning support (ELS) costs for 2016 to 2017

You must submit your final claims using the 2016 to 2017 claim form by 24 October 2017. You should send the form by email.

If final claims are higher than the approved estimated cost, they will require further approval from the ESFA.

For further information on claiming exceptional learning support, please refer to the funding rules 2016 to 2017, the exceptional learning support page on GOV.UK or email ESFA.

2. Decommissioning the contracts and finances area of the hub

The contracts and finances area of the Hub will start to be decommissioned at the end of June 2017 when providers will no longer have access.

You will need to download and save any documents held in the service that you want to keep, such as:

  • contracts
  • funding statements
  • funding claim forms
  • reconciliation statements
  • subcontractor declaration forms
  • apprenticeship grant for employers (AGE) reports

Many of these are now available in the Skills Funding Service (SFS) and other services that need to be retained will be made available in SFS between now and the end of September 2017.

3. Qualification achievement rates (QAR) 2015 to 2016 – final data

ESFA will publish the national achievement rate tables on 15 June. They will also update the national achievement rates headline data published in the Statistical First Release (SFR).

All provider QAR dashboards and data files will be updated on the Hub at the same time. Some providers will see a slight increase to their QAR due to the inclusion of learners on an agreed break in learning prior to August 2013. There is no impact on the minimum standards position for any providers.

For further information, please refer to the updated dataset production specification documents.

4. National achievement rates tables (NART) 2015 to 2016

ESFA will publish the national achievement rates tables, including related annexes on 15 June following the end of an extended pre-election period this year.

The information will be available in the Statistical First Release (SFR) when the link goes live on 15 June.

The national achievement rates headline data previously published in the SFR will also be updated on 15 June.

If you have any queries, please email them.

5. New apprenticeship provider assurance and support

As employers begin to take control of their apprenticeship programmes, they have a greater choice of training providers as new organisations are accepted onto the register of apprenticeship training providers (RoATP).

ESFA want to ensure employers receive the highest quality service and are carrying out planned assurance work to support these new organisations to deliver to the highest standards. This includes workshops, self-assessments, surgeries, visits and funding audits.

As well as providing support, ESFA will also consider the impact on their RoATP status if they have significant concerns during this process.

ESFA will contact all new providers directly, however, if they have any questions they should contact their provider manager.


College financial planning handbook

ESFA have published an updated college financial planning handbook and accompanying financial plan template on GOV.UK.

Colleges must submit their financial plan and supporting commentary to ESFA by Monday, 31 July 2017.

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