Parental Engagement in education

The Schools Show with Daren White – @WeAreJoyFM #EveryoneInEducation
Last week on the Schools show Daren chatted with Clare about the connections she builds with parents in her school. Sharing the differences between schools in England and Scotland this show had lots of inspiring stories of how to build a strong parental network.
#EveryoneInEducation – @WeAreJoyFM aim to amplify all voices in education including students, non teaching roles, teachers and lecturers
Welcome to Joy FM.
A place for everyone in education, be you support, academic, or bus driver, all are welcome, regardless of sector.
Hoping to connect everyone in education through meaningful conversations to promote and inspire joy in education.
JoyFM is a radio station formed around the hashtag “Everyone In Education”
JoyFM have an FE show Live on Wednesdays 7pm-8pm.
The show is hosted by the ‘and college’s crew’ with a variety of hosts and guests.
All our shows are available as a podcast after as well.
Recent shows have been around the importance of CPD and how to be creative in the FE classroom.
We are keen to hear from you too, and you can apply to be a guest or a guest host.
Come join the conversation with #EveryoneInEducation.