From education to employment

#SkillsWorld LIVE — Upcoming Episodes & Topic Suggestions

Presented by the Chief Executive of the Federation of Awarding Bodies, Tom Bewick, #SkillsWorld Live is a new radio show that builds on the popular #SkillsWorld podcast series, where Tom interviews leading figures shaping the post-compulsory education and skills systems, including apprenticeships in the UK, and across the world.

Available Thursday 7-8pm during term time on FE News live, or for download via your favourite podcast app here

We are now looking for industry experts to get involved with the debate, and to offer their views, advice and recommendations to help support the education sector at this time of disruption and change.

Tom will call guests at an allocated date and time to discuss a pre-agreed topic for 5 to 10 mins.

If you are keen to get involved, or you know others that are, please let us know by emailing:

Upcoming Episodes

Please let us know if there is an important topic you would like to debate that we haven’t included yet!

  • Are we doing enough to safeguard and retain our apprenticeship talent pool?
  • When should the lockdown end, what will the biggest impact have been?
  • Is Covid-19 causing training providers to go to the wall?
  • Is the Department for Education doing a good job during the crisis?
  • What should Labour’s new shadow ministerial team campaign on?
  • Should parents be paid extra child benefit for home schooling their kids during the lockdown?
  • Has the government got the balance right between public health and unemployment, including allowing viable businesses go to the wall?
  • Will new technology and virtual working change the face of FE forever?
  • Is teacher-led assessment in the summer examinations here to stay after the crisis?
  • Have the police been too heavy handed during the lockdown?
  • Should Ofsted be scrapped?
  • Will the cost of dealing with Coronavirus lead to a new age of austerity?
  • Should the apprenticeship levy be scrapped?
  • Should the furlough scheme be extended beyond three months?
  • Are the universities giving out too many unconditional offers to students?
  • Is the Augar review now dead and buried?
  • Will all examinations be online and taken at home within 10 years?
  • Have other parts of the UK done a better job at looking after the skills sector and Careers Advice than England?
  • Would it be better to focus apprenticeships on the below 25 age group, not taking a degree?
  • Will the Coronavirus be good for solving the productivity puzzle?
  • To help colleges and universities recruit more EU students, should the Brexit transition period be extended?
  • Has the reinstatement of a new minister for skills and apprenticeships made any difference to the sector?
  • Are individual skills accounts a good idea?
  • Is the government using Covid-19 to nationalise England’s the post-16 skills system?
  • Where is the student and apprenticeship voice in shaping skills policy? (e.g. should 16-year olds be given the vote?)
  • Is devolution of adult skills budgets in England and the devolved administrations a waste of time and money?
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing for Students and Staff
  • Continual Professional Development – for individuals and staff
  • Levelling Up – Re-evaluation of “low skilled” jobs in society – shifting labour market dynamics. Impact of remote learning on marginalised groups, rural location, additional learning needs etc.
  • Fourth Industrial revolution – Employability and recruitment
  • Health and safety for key-workers
  • Accelerated uptake of EdTech / steep learning curve
  • Coping with remote learning / working – general advice and legal implications
  • Community support – provided by colleges, universities and training providers, ie providing accommodation, equipment, meals, producing innovative solutions etc.
  • Teaching English online

Tune in to #SkillsWorldLIVE 7-8pm Thursdays during term time and subscribe here for notifications!

Previous Episodes

Week commencing the 21st April

Episode 1: Is the calculated grades approach to summer examinations fair on students? – 23rd Apil 7-8pm (BST)

Episode 2: Should the skills sector get its own bailout? – 24th Apil 7-8pm (BST)

Week commencing the 27th April

Episode 3: When should the schools reopen? – 27th Apil 7-8pm (BST)

Episode 4: Would it be better to delay T-Levels by a year? – 28th Apil 7-8pm (BST)

Episode 5: Are too many apprenticeships in England low quality? – 29th Apil 7-8pm (BST)

Episode 6: Are we training enough people for our NHS? (Thurs NHS) – 30th Apil 7-8pm (BST)

Episode 7: Should we abolish the target of sending 50% of young people to university? – 1st May 7-8pm (BST)

Week commencing the 4th May

Episode 8: Starts falling for Apprenticeships: What’s all the fuss about? – 4th May 7-8pm (BST)

Episode 9: How do we prepare for September’s New Normal? – 5th May 7-8pm (BST)

Episode 10: How will Covid 19 widened the disadvantage and attainment gap? – 6th May 7-8pm (BST)

Episode 11: What should the priorities be for the Skills Sector? – 7th May 7-8pm (BST)

Happy VE Day! Van Allen’s 1 hour Dance mix 7-8pm on 8th May

Week commencing the 11th May

Episode 12: Why bother teaching face-to-face, if online teaching is just as successful? – 11th May 7-8pm (BST)

Episode 13: Will Youth Unemployment hit 50% post COVID-19? Tues 12th May 7-8pm (BST)

Episode 14: In the future will the british economy rely on having more scientist or creatives – Weds 13th May 7-8pm (BST)

Chance to catch up with: Starts falling for Apprenticeships: What’s all the fuss about? – Thurs 14th May 7-8pm (BST)

Episode 15: Are Apprenticeship and Students getting a good deal? Fri 15th May 7-8pm (BST)

Week commencing the 18th May

Episode 16: How do we get Britain Training? Mon 18th 7-8pm (BST)

Episode 17: Will the FE Whitepaper result in the nationalisation of Colleges? Tues 19th 7-8pm (BST)

Episode 18: What is the future of funding and quality for Apprenticeships? Wed 20th 7-8pm (BST)

Episode 19: Should there be a Youth Guarantee? Thurs 21st 7-8pm (BST)

Episode 20: How will COVID 19 impact the skills needed for the fourth industrial? Fri 22nd 7-8pm (BST)

 Week commencing the 1st June 2020

Episode 25: College of the Future. Monday 1st June 2020 7-8pm (BST)

Episode 26: Do we need to change the inspection regime for providers? Tuesday 2nd June 2020 7-8pm (BST)

Episode 27: How are other countries skills systems battling the pandemic? Wed 3rd June 2020 7-8pm (BST)

Episode 28: How do we ensure the safety and well being of staff and students? Thurs 4th June 2020 7-8pm (BST)

Episode 29: Preparing for the new normal a sector wide viewpoint. Friday 5th June 2020 7-8pm (BST)

Week commencing the 25th May 2020

Van Allen – Bank Holiday Groove Mix. Mon 25th 7-8pm (BST)

Episode 21: Careers Advice and Guidance, is it fit for purpose? Tuesday 26th May 7-8pm (BST)

Episode 22: One Year on from Augar, will it happen? Wednesday 27th May 7-8pm (BST)

Episode 23: What will happen to WorldSkills Competitions in the post Covid World? Thursday 28th May 7-8pm (BST)

Episode 24: Covid Secure: Is it safe for pupils to go back to school? Friday 29th May 7-8pm (BST) 

If you are keen to get involved, or you know others that are, please email and let us know.

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