Management Roles and Responsibilities with Arnie Skelton #21

Top Ten Roles and Responsibilities Tips for Teachers and #FE Managers
In the twenty-first episode of his podcast Top Ten Tips for Teachers and FE Managers, Arnie Skelton discusses Management Roles and Responsibilities.
This week’s podcast from Arnie is all about management roles and responsibilities. He offers the top 8 roles and responsibilities that all managers should expect to be accountable for, to be successful and effective.
In the podcast, Arnie offers some simple and practical advice on what these 8 responsibilities mean, and act as a checklist you can use to assess how well you think you match up against them.
Arnie Skelton, Managing Director, Effective Training & Development Ltd has spent the last 30 years working in a wide range of organisations, and all his tips are totally practical, and can be implemented by anyone, any time, at no financial cost.