Challenging Conversations with Arnie Skelton #3
Top Ten Challenging Conversations Tips for Teachers and #FE Managers
In the third episode of his podcast Top Ten Tips for Teachers and FE Managers, Arnie Skelton discusses CHALLENGING CONVERSATIONS.
In this podcast Arnie looks at ways in which you can prepare for, then conduct, a challenging conversation to minimize or prevent typical difficulties faced by both parties.
His top ten tips include how to prepare effectively, including being clear as to what the meeting is about, and logistical issues such as where and when to have the conversation, and how to structure such a meeting.
As he says in the podcast, “it takes two to tango”, and he offers ways of making sure the other person is valued, and that their views are taken into account.
He outlines 5 key skills that can have a significant positive impact on the conversation, and also discusses the role emotion plays in any meeting.
Arnie has spent the last 30 years working in a wide range of organisations, and all his tips are totally practical, and can be implemented by anyone, any time, at no financial cost.
Arnie Skelton, Managing Director, Effective Training & Development Ltd
There are 65 episodes in total in the Top Ten Tips for Teachers and #FE Managers Podcast Series. If you have enjoyed this series, or would like to suggest a new topic for Arnie to cover please email Arnie Skelton with your comments and suggestions.