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Cardiff Metropolitan University Launches New Micro-credential Sport Management Course

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The new Certificate of Higher Education in Sport Management from Cardiff Metropolitan University offers stackable micro-credential modules.

Cardiff Metropolitan University will soon open applications to the first module within their new Certificate of Higher Education in Sport Management. The course is the first of its kind for the sport and physical activity sector, providing a formal education pathway designed to suit the busy schedules of working professionals.

In collaboration with CIMSPA (The Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity), the university has created this sport management training in response to strong demand from the sector workforce for management-specific training catering to working professionals. To offer the accessibility needed for individuals to work and learn concurrently, the university has broken down the new Certificate of Higher Education into six micro-credential modules.

Their stand-out feature is that by completing a single module, professionals gain a standalone and professionally recognised qualification, even if they do not go on to complete the remaining modules and gain the full certificate. With no expiration date like many CPD options, it is possible to pick and choose when to complete each module at relevant points in the learner’s career. If they choose to, it is then possible to stack them together to complete the full certificate.

Even within an individual module, learners are able to set their own pace. Although modules are completed over a set period, studying can be done at any time. With the training delivered entirely online, learners can also save travel time and pick up their study wherever they need to.

A further benefit of this flexible approach to learning is its cost effectiveness. Cardiff Metropolitan University will take into account prior learning and professional experience when awarding module completion. Learners will be able to provide evidence of their knowledge, skills and any previous accreditation received to count towards up to 50% of the full qualification – three of the six modules in total. On a practical level, by paying for only individual, targeted modules as and when they are needed, learners or their employers can save money.

The course content is quality assured by CIMSPA and in alignment with the Entry Manager occupational professional standard, a framework created alongside sector employers that establishes the knowledge, skills and behaviours required for the role category. Aligning with the professional standard ensures that the qualification provides relevant, practical information that will empower learners to progress in their career as a sport and physical activity manager.

Tara Dillon, CEO of CIMSPA, is enthusiastic about what the training can offer the sector:

“This is a really exciting opportunity for our sector to be at the forefront of professional learning and development. Micro-credentials are the gateway for professionals to develop their knowledge and expertise flexibly while gaining recognition which they can carry with them throughout their career.

“Our work with thousands of employers across the sector points to the need for us to be creative in the professional development offer for managers and aspiring managers and it’s been fantastic to work with the team at Cardiff Metropolitan University to create this new opportunity.

“As we support those working in the sector to develop their professional status, offering our talented workforce the chance to undertake bite-sized learning that can build to a recognised qualification over the course of their career is a massive step forward.”

Steven Osborne, Principal Lecturer in Professional and Workforce Development at Cardiff Metropolitan University is keen to showcase the accessibility of the micro-credential format:

“Micro-credentials offer a flexible approach to professional development and aim to support existing professionals in progressing or changing their career ambitions by making education more accessible. Designing stackable micro-credentials in clear pathways enables professionals to work towards more extensive formal qualifications in a manageable and practical way.

“Micro-credentials’ flexibility and focus aim to enhance the existing exceptional diverse professional development frameworks and opportunities in the sport and physical activity sector so we can ensure our talented workforce continues to drive standards and high-quality services across our industry.”

The first module to be taught is Finance, Sales and Marketing in Sport and Physical Activity. The standalone micro-credential will offer practical knowledge covering competencies such as consumer behaviour, sales cycles, operational budgeting and personal development, providing a well-rounded understanding of the topics in the context of our sector.

This forms an ideal starting point for increasing professional knowledge in sport management and the perfect introduction to the new education pathway.

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