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UK Regional Labour Market Outlook: Evaluating 2020 and Anticipating 2021

The year 2020 was quite unlike any we have ever experienced, and the effects of the Covid-19 crisis and numerous restrictions placed on millions of people will be with us throughout 2021 and long into the future. In terms of the economy, the country experienced the most dramatic curtailment of economic activity on record, with vast numbers of businesses having to close for a number of months, and in some cases, whole industries grinding to a halt with millions of workers placed on furlough.

Although much of the focus has inevitably been at the national level, it is at regional and local levels where the rubber really hits the road. Some areas will be harder hit than others, either because they have been in lockdown for a greater length of time than other areas, or possibly because the industrial and occupational mix in their area is likely to have been more affected by the restrictions than in other locations.

To shed some light on this regional and local dimension, we have just released a new report “UK Regional Labour Market Outlook: Evaluating 2020 and Anticipating 2021” focusing on the 12 Government Office Regions and their most populous cities or towns, looking at:

  • Past employment trends
  • Claimant Count and Job Postings change throughout 2020
  • Niche industries with job numbers, GVA and a Covid Exposure Index
  • Niche occupations with job numbers, job postings and a Covid Exposure Index
  • Niche hard skills and associated job posting numbers.

In addition, we have also produced reports for every Local Authority and LEP area in the country, order a free copy for your area here.

Watch out for the next piece in this regular series on 3rd February. 

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For more insights and analysis on the labour market in your area, contact Emsi.

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