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Are FE and Skills falling through the cracks in Labour? FE Soundbite Edition 762

Are FE and Skills falling through the cracks in Labour?

Welcome to FE Soundbite Edition 762, September 7th, 2024. Are FE and Skills falling through the cracks in Labour? Have you noticed that FE and Skills is being a bit over looked recently? Or am I being a bit paranoid?

This is the weekly e-newsletter and e-journal by FE News: ISSN 2732-4095. We know life is busy, so here is a snapshot of the latest announcements and epic thought leadership articles, from sector influencers and cool thinkers across FE and Skills this week on FE News

Gavin’s Reflective Perspective

Have you noticed that FE and Skills is being a bit over looked recently? Or am I being a bit paranoid?

Are FE and Skills falling through the cracks in Labour? Have you noticed that FE and Skills is being a bit over looked recently? Or am I being a bit paranoid? Eg Ofsted… this week we had the big announcement on single word judgements being scrapped… for schools! Just before the summer hols.. school teachers got a pay rise (5.5%, very nice)… Educators in FE and Skills… erm, no not for you!

Level 3, Level 1 & 2, T Levels, BTECs, ALevel and Lifelong Learning

We have a cracking article from AoC’s Cath Sezen and David Holloway on the Level 3 pause and review.. and they think deeper about Level 1 and 2 implications, T Levels, A Levels, adult learners)… it is all a bit pause and review. Literally. Not certainty or clarity!

What is happening with the Levy?

There isn’t much in terms of concrete news on what the new Growth and Skills Levy will be (Ben Rowland from AELP wrote a cracking article on how we have a golden opportunity to shape an epic Skills System. Check it out). AELP previous wrote about the Levy Vacuum and the implications for employers.. I mean Apprenticeships isn’t even in the name any more.. so what is the new Levy going to be… what does this mean to employers?

If you think inheriting a black hole is bad. Consider the future with 12% of 16-24 year olds being NEET.. and not doing anything about it!

Neil Wolstenholme highlights (as does Ben at the beginning of his article), that we have rather a lot of NEETs.. like 12.6% of all 16-24 year olds! Yes, we have heard the ole biscuit that Labour has inherited a £21.9 Billion black hole… which mustn’t be nice in the corner of your office, or to work out what to do with the public finances.. but it isn’t going to get better unless you pay a bit of attention to skills and employability… and all age careers advice. You can forget the industrial strategy if you don’t have any skills development or the future of the nation are not in work or education! Don’t even get me started on the digital skills gap… at the beginning of the 4th industrial revolution!

Do we need a FE and Skills Big listen?

I don’t have the answers on how we can reverse this apparent.. over looking from the new Government at the moment, personally, I think we need to have a rethink on how we reach out to the now Education Secretary, our Skills Minister.. as they don’t seem to be thinking of FE and Skills… as we are left out of the big announcements.. but unless they start to think of a joined up skills, employability and agile careers advice to compliment this.. we will have much bigger problems that a black hole! I do know that as a sector, collectively we can have cool ways of engaging. I know there is a lot of activity planned at the upcoming Labour Party conference from across the sector, which is great. I also welcome you to join us at the FE + Skills Collective to share your voice and views on how we can long term forge a stronger relationship and skills sector. Ofsted had the Big Listen, fair play, they listened. Do we need a FE and Skills Big Listen equivalent? Just an idea?

Thank you! FE News 21 years and counting

So this week, the power of LinkedIn told me that this week was my 21st anniversary at FE News. Thank you for all of your kind wishes.. and thank you for all of our lovely readers, contributors and advertisers and sponsors.. we wouldn’t be here without you thank you! Loads of cool stuff in the pipeline in our 21st anniversary celebrations.. like a new FE Careers in the wings (we are finishing up alpha testing and a few people are soon going to be beta testing our new job board… in time for our 21st anniversary. If you are interested in being a beta tester, give me a shout)! You will shape this for everyone (and you’ll get a lifetime Gavin discount)! yeah, you heard that correct.

FE + Skills Collective.. really taking shape, best to move fast

The FE + Skills Collective, is really taking shape.. Loads of cool announcements to come next week. We have been working hard with Education and Training Foundation (our partner for the Collective) and Edge or Media Sponsor this week. So come along and get involved… you’ll love it.


I have my flights booked for a cool trip to Singapore… AI, Lifelong learning and skills.. and Singapore… can you come?.. erm, okay! This is with ILO, Unesco, OECD, Singapore Gov, Aussie Gov… lt looks amazing and is a week before the Collective.. so I can feed back what I have learnt from across the World and what people are planning and thinking about for their global skills strategy into the Collective.

So, I hope you enjoy FE Soundbite this week.

Exclusive Thought Leadership

Our Top 3 Thought Leadership Articles This Week

Firstly, Qualification reform: the key challenges facing colleges By Cath Sezen is the Director of Education Policy at the AoC, and David Holloway is a Senior Policy Manager (SEND).

Secondly, A new government brings about an opportunity to get the skills system right By Ben Rowland, Chief Executive, Association of Employment and Learning Providers (AELP).

And Finally, Why Hasn’t the NEET Rate Budged? The Answer Lies in Early Intervention By Neil Wolstenholme, Chairman of Kloodle

This Week, We Have Also Had Some Other Epic Exclusives!

How transparent is the GCSE, AS and A level exam appeals process in England? By Dennis Sherwood is an independent management consultant, and author of ‘Missing the Mark – Why so many school exam grades are wrong, and how to get results we can trust’ (Canbury Press, 2022)

Faculty Perspectives: Teaching Students to Embrace Failure By Professor Fawad Inam, Executive Principal of Oxford Business College

Addressing Prejudice and Building Inclusive Cultures By Dame Ann Limb, former Principal within Further Education (FE) colleges, current Pro Chancellor of the University of Surrey, Chair of the City & Guilds of London Institute, Chair of Governors of The Manchester College and Chair of the Lifelong Education Institute and Dr Katerina Kolyva, CEO of the Education and Training Foundation (ETF).

What’s New in the World of FE?

Check out our Top 3 Thought Leaders of August 2024


Single headline Ofsted judgements scrapped By Ofsted

Ofsted Unveils Major Reforms in Response to ‘Big Listen’ Consultation By Ofsted

Office for Students examines risks associated with subcontractual partnerships By the Office for Students (OfS)

Acorn Training announces the launch of its new umbrella company: Acorn Futures By Acorn Training


Delivering end-point assessments – what are the risks that need considering? By Claire Gill, SDN Associate.

How Education Providers can Maintain Strong Relationships with Industry Leaders By Adam Herbert, co-founder and CEO of Go Live Data

A Guide To Education Pathways in the Hotel Industry By Martin Green Sommet Education

Streamlining Student IT: A New Approach for HE By David Furby, CEO and founder of Novatech

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We hope you enjoy FE Soundbite this week. Stay curious, keep innovating, and let’s shake up the world of FE together – catch you next week!

By Danny O’Meara, Digital Project Manager, FE News

By Gavin O’Meara, CEO and Founder, FE News and FE Careers

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