How NCFE is Staying Focused on its Mission

Following the launch of its latest Impact Report, Deborah Jenkins, Chair of the Board of Trustees at the awarding organisation and education charity NCFE, outlines how it’s making a difference for learners, backing innovative initiatives, and influencing wider policy in the sector.
Everyone at NCFE is very much aware of the purpose of working for an education charity and deeply committed to improving the quality of learning.
As we enter a new academic year, it’s important for us to reflect on what we have achieved over the past 12 months and review our impact on learners, institutions and educators, the education system and wider society.
As a charitable organisation, any profits we make are invested into creating outstanding learning experiences and supporting initiatives that improve the education system for every learner rather than paid to shareholders.
Each of our board members, whether trustee or executive, brings their skills, experience, and passion to ensuring that NCFE remains true to its charitable purpose – to promote and advance learning.
Impact Assessment Process
Part of the commitment to the standards we have set ourselves was the creation of our first Impact Report in 2022, designed to assess whether all of NCFE’s activities are having the intended outcomes; from delivering learning and progression opportunities to tackling disadvantage and influencing wider education policy.
I am pleased that we’re continuing this important undertaking which helps us understand how and to what extent we are supporting our beneficiaries, many of whom feature in this report.
Key Results and Achievements
It’s heartening to see some of the strengths of NCFE brought to life in this study, including the strong collaborative relationships we hold with stakeholders, our commitment to learners and our investments in innovative projects.
It’s crucial that we use the report’s valuable data and insights to improve our work – as the world changes, we must ensure that everything we do continues to be fit for purpose. This includes increasing the quality of our resources and further strengthening our reputation and visibility as a leading voice in the sector.
This Impact Report offers an opportunity to review NCFE’s many collaborations, community initiatives, innovations, and investments – working with WorldSkills UK to develop educators through the Centre of Excellence, supporting autistic learners into apprenticeships with the Greater Manchester Learning Provider Network, investing over £1million in assessment innovation, and working with partners across the country.
All our projects are designed to tackle disadvantage, drive forward positive change or champion further education. For the board, which sponsors and reviews each investment, this is a vital strand of our work at NCFE.
It’s always a delight to hear from the learners themselves, no matter what age or stage they’re at, about their reasons for choosing NCFE’s products and services.
Many point towards employability and the boost NCFE’s qualifications have provided in enhancing their CV, building their confidence, or improving their service to customers. Others have more personal reasons, such as a sense of achievement or supporting family.
Future Direction and Commitments
As we, at NCFE, continue our journey to being a leader in vocational and technical education, it’s essential that we continue to take stock and measure our impact, so that we remain focused on our mission – that no learner is left behind.
By Deborah Jenkins, Chair of the Board of Trustees at NCFE