From education to employment

EdTechX Summit 2023: Charles McIntyre on AI into OI

Charles McIntyre, Chairman and CEO IBIS Capital & Chairman at EdTechX Summit 10th Edition

Whilst attending EdTechX Summit, we had the opportunity to interview Charles McIntyre, Chairman and CEO of IBIS Capital & Chairman and CIO of EdTechX Holdings II.

Charles McIntyre is a passionate advocate of edtech, retaining a wealth of knowledge on the latest technology trends and the impact they will have on the future, particularly for education, skills, and workplace development.

In this interview, Charles McIntyre delves into an intriguing topic: The transformative shift from AI (Artificial Intelligence) to OI (Organoid Intelligence) and the impact that OI will have on education, skills, and the workplace.

McIntyre explores how this transition will reshape the educational and professional landscapes, fundamentally altering the way we approach learning, skill acquisition, and collaboration.

Through his valuable insights, he provides a unique perspective on how the dynamic interplay between technology, human intelligence, and the adoption of organoid intelligence holds transformative potential for our future of learning.

Charles McIntyre on AI into OI:

Join us this Friday as we have a site-wide takeover of EdTechX’s Summit session ‘The Debate on ChatGPT – A Learning Tool or Threat to Education.’

Enjoyed this article.. well hear and work with Charles at the FE Collective

What is the FE Collective?

The FE Collective is a flipped conference, where the audience will work together to tackle some of the biggest challenges in the FE and Skills sector. To collectively share ideas, visions and solutions for the system of the future.

This is an outcome-driven gathering of thought leaders and influencers, working together to come up with a collaborative report.

Find out more about the FE Collective, check out the agenda and get your tickets down below!

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