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Cardiff and Vale College Leads the Charge: Creating an anti-racist metaverse in a polarised world 

Yusuf Cardiff Vale

At the recent OneFile conference, Yusuf Ibrahim, Assistant Principal at Cardiff and Vale College, presented their pioneering anti-racism metaverse curriculum. This Welsh government-backed initiative has already been rolled out across the Further Education (FE) sector in Wales, showcasing an immersive curriculum built upon anti-racist principles. 

Yusuf Ibrahim is the Assistant Principal at Cardiff and Vale College. He is passionate about enhancing the leadership prospects for people from all walks of life, particularly those from under-represented and under-privileged backgrounds. Yusuf has worked at national level, contributing to the design and delivery of the adapted assessment model during the pandemic. 

He is currently leading the Anti-Racism Materials Project across the FE sector as well as leading significant curriculum areas within the college. A digital transformer, Yusuf is determined to ensure that new technologies are an enabler for positive change for all, allowing more people to access opportunities to learn and progress.  

Wales’ Commitment to Anti-Racism 

Expressing pride in Wales’ commitment to becoming anti-racist by 2030, Yusuf acknowledged the pressure and excitement this goal brings. This policy has significantly influenced institutional practices, prompting colleges, schools, and other public institutions to explore implementing anti-racist actions, a dialogue that was less prevalent just a few years ago. 

Yusuf states how AI can inadvertently become biased based on its development and learning environment. Addressing these issues requires careful consideration, and Cardiff and Vale College’s anti-racism curriculum in the metaverse exemplifies a technology-based solution accessible globally. 

Transforming Education in Wales 

Wales is undergoing a transformation in education, both in curriculum content and administration. The Welsh government is establishing the Commission for Education and Training Research to oversee post-16 education. This initiative aims to create a holistic educational framework that spans apprenticeships to universities and beyond. 

Wales is now exploring how to create a more equal playing field with new qualifications. The success of these initiatives will depend on various factors, but the goal is to provide diverse educational pathways that engage people from an early age. 

Yusuf emphasised the importance of deep, complementary collaboration. Wales’ unique dynamics offer an opportunity to develop a cooperative approach between different regulators and bodies. This collaboration could create an effective educational ecosystem that serves Wales and potentially offers a model for other regions. Despite the challenges, focusing on long-term goals is crucial for a more prosperous future. 

Pioneering Anti-Racist Education 

As Yusuf’s session concluded at the conference, attendees were inspired by the innovative anti-racism metaverse curriculum and the broader vision for education in Wales. Yusuf’s presentation highlighted the transformative potential of combining technology with a commitment to anti-racism, setting a precedent for educational innovation and ethical progress. 

Wales is leading the way with visionary initiatives that promise a brighter, more inclusive future for all. 

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