Buckinghamshire New University appoints Maggie Galliers as new Pro-Chancellor and Chair of Council

Following an extensive search and recruitment process, Maggie Galliers CBE has been appointed to the role of Pro-Chancellor and Chair of Council at Buckinghamshire New University (@BucksNewUni).
“I am confident that BNU is well positioned to make an increasing impact from an already sound base in line with its huge ambition,” says Galliers
The Council is responsible for promoting and upholding the University’s mission and values and ensuring its effective management. Maggie will commence her tenure as Chair on 1 August this year and succeeds Dr Michael Hipkins, Pro-Chancellor and Chair of Council who is stepping down from his role on 31 July after 10 years’ valuable service to the University.
Maggie is currently Chair of the National Learning and Work Institute and a member of the Council of The Open University. She was previously a member of the Board of Governors at Coventry University, a member of the Teaching Excellence Framework Review Advisory Group, a Board member for Ofqual, a member of the HEFCE Teaching Quality and Student Experience Committee, and President of the Association of Colleges. Her significant executive experience includes roles as Principal at Leicester and Henley College Coventry, and Associate Fellow at the University of Warwick.
Following confirmation of her appointment, Maggie Galliers CBE said: “It is an immense privilege to have been appointed as Buckinghamshire New University’s Pro-Chancellor and Chair of Council. BNU is a dynamic and forward-thinking University which has a distinctive mission and a proud tradition of inclusivity. I look forward to working with the Council, the Vice Chancellor and the Executive as BNU and all its staff continue to transform lives through inspiring employment and profession focused higher education. I am confident that BNU is well positioned to make an increasing impact from an already sound base in line with its huge ambition. I am excited to be part of its journey.”
Vice-Chancellor of Buckinghamshire New University, Professor Nick Braisby said: “I am delighted that Maggie Galliers has been appointed as our new Pro-Chancellor and Chair of Council. She is an experienced strategic leader who will bring a wealth of education and governance experience to her role. Maggie will lead the University’s Council to ensure we deliver on our mission to transform lives through inspiring, employment- and profession-focused education, enabling our students to make a lasting and positive impact in society. Maggie’s appointment comes at an exciting time for our University and I am looking forward to working in partnership with her to build on our many achievements.
“I also want to take this opportunity to thank Dr Michael Hipkins for his 10 years’ loyal and dedicated service to the University which includes five years as Chair. Our University community is very grateful for Michael’s tireless support. We are so proud of all that has been achieved under his tenure as we continue to increase student enrolments and applications; deliver exceptional employment outcomes; score highly for social inclusion and strengthen the University’s financial resilience.”
Dr Michael Hipkins, current Pro-Chancellor and Chair of the Buckinghamshire New University Council said: “I congratulate Maggie Galliers on her appointment as Chair of Council. I am confident she shares the University’s values and will lead the Council effectively. Working with the Vice-Chancellor and the senior team, I am also sure Maggie will help the University work towards its mission to give a wide range of people the advantage of higher education centred on employment-related courses.”
Maggie Galliers will continue her role as Chair of The National Learning and Work Institute and as Trustee of The National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health. She will step down as Lay Member of the Council of The Open University on 31 July.