Department for Education official statistics on education and children
The Department for Education publishes official statistics on education and children.
We use data we collect on schools, further and higher education, children and young people to produce official statistics in line with the Code of Practice for official statistics. Read about the standards for official statistics we work to.
Forthcoming publications
Our latest releases of official statistics are available in the statistics release calendar.
28 November 2018: Statistics update
We’re now looking to deliver on the recommendations made in our recent Hive IT – DfE dissemination discovery and further strengthen our statistics ‘offer’.
We’ve now moved on to the next ‘alpha’ project phase to prototype a new DfE statistics dissemination platform to make our data and statistics easier to find, access, navigate and understand. The ‘alpha’ aims to build an online platform with improved navigation and greater consistency of information to help users more easily self-serve by accessing data and statistics in a way which most suits their needs.
This work is part of our wider plan to look at the overall coherence of DfE data and statistics.
If you’re a user of our published national and official statistics and want to get involved with this work through user testing fill in our questionnaire.
Neil McIvor, DfE Chief Statistician
3 July 2018: Statistics update
Over the last 12 weeks Hive IT have been working with statisticians in the DfE to better understand the needs of users of DfE statistics and data, and to make recommendations for how we can further strengthen our statistics ‘offer’.
The report Hive IT – DfE dissemination discovery outlines the findings of their research, including the identified needs of our users and suggestions and recommendations as to what directions we should take for our next stage of statistics development. This is part of the wider work looking at the overall coherence of DfE statistics.
Neil McIvor, DfE Chief Statistician
22 February 2018: Coherence of DfE statistics
Following the update in December 2017, we have set out our plans for developing statistics over the coming year, to improve the coherence of our statistics and to further modernise our approach to dissemination.
Developing DfE statistics in 2018 outlines these plans, which includes details of how to get in touch with any questions about what we have proposed. Alongside these plans, we are undertaking user research to better understand how you want to access our data and statistics. We will provide an update on the outcome of that work in due course.
Neil McIvor, DfE Chief Statistician
Statistical collections
Early years
Participation and characteristics
Children’s social care
Participation and characteristics
School statistics (all age)
Participation and characteristics
- Special educational needs (SEN)
- Pupil absence
- Pupil projections
- Exclusions
- School and pupil numbers
- Responsibility measures
Participation and characteristics
- Pupil absence
- Pupil projections
- Special educational needs (SEN)
- Exclusions
- School and pupil numbers
- Responsibility measures
Participation and characteristics
- Pupil absence
- Pupil projections
- Special educational needs (SEN)
- School and pupil numbers
- Responsibility measures
- GCSEs (key stage 4)
- Education and training
- Performance tables
- Destinations of key stage 4 and key stage 5 pupils
16-18 (KS5)
Participation and characteristics
- Education and training
- Performance tables
- Destinations of key stage 4 and key stage 5 pupils
- 16 to 19 attainment
Adult further education
- Education and training
- Further education and skills
- Further education for benefits claimants
- FE Choices
- Advanced learner loans
- Outcome based success measures
- National achievement rates tables
Higher Education
- Higher education graduate employment and earnings
- Graduate labour market: statistics
- Higher education statistics
Participation and characteristics
- Participation rates in higher education
- Widening participation in higher education
- Higher education statistics
Early Years
Children’s social care
Higher Education
Funding and finance
Higher education
Ad hoc statistics and data releases
Our ad hoc statistics and other data releases which are not part of our regular official statistics publications can be found in the DfE transparency data section of GOV.UK.
Publication date | Release title |
13 December 2018 | External organisation data shares |
13 December 2018 | National pupil database third-party requests |
13 December 2018 | Pupil nationality, country of birth and proficiency in English |
18 December 2018 | Trends in school spending: 2002 to 2016 |
Archived statistics
You can find statistics published since May 2010 on GOV.UK. Our archived statistics are available from the UK Government Web Archive.
Contact us
If you have a specific query, please contact the appropriate team. Details will be available at the bottom of each statistical release.
To provide general feedback please contact [email protected].