From education to employment

Sector shapes qualifications of the future

Rob Wye is chief executive of the Learning and Skills Improvement Service

At the invitation of the Government and on behalf of the whole learning ad skills sector, LSIS  is leading the current review of teacher and trainer qualifications, working closely with sector  to ensure that the new qualifications meet the needs of our future workforce.  The best teaching and training will depend on having the best teachers and trainers.

Following considerable discussions with sector membership bodies, universities, awarding organizations and other stakeholders, we launched the proposal document on 15 October.

We want to ensure the qualifications are fit for purpose, so I would encourage everyone in the sector now to provide feedback on the proposals, via our online survey.

LSIS is also holding open events across the country; these will provide an opportunity for a wider group of individuals and organisations to discuss the proposals. AoC, AELP, HOLEX and NIACE are also supporting the review to ensure that the views of employers shape the future qualifications.

At the end of last month, the final report of the independent review panel into professionalism in FE, led by Lord Lingfield, was released. In it the panel recommended that those staff teaching literacy and numeracy, and those working with students with learning difficulties or disabilities should achieve pre-service or early in-service relevant specialist qualifications to at least Level 5. In the proposal document, we have included proposals for specialist qualifications for teachers of English, mathematics and for those teachers working with disabled learners alongside the generic teacher and trainer qualifications.

LSIS is committed to equipping the sector to achieve outstanding teaching and learning, and central to this is a well-qualified workforce. In December, we will analyse the feedback with our sector-led project steering group, working towards the progressive introduction of the qualifications from September 2013.

Rob Wye is chief executive of the Learning and Skills Improvement Service, which aims to accelerate the drive for excellence in the further education and skills sector

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