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Global appeal: Winning strategies in the international student race

Stephanie Conville Exclusive

Stephanie Conville, Higher Education Lead at Codec, highlights the strategies universities are employing to appeal to international applicants, from developing user-friendly digital admissions platforms to crafting compelling online presentations of campus life and academic offerings.

Higher-education institutions across the UK and Ireland are fiercely competing to attract international students as they tackle long-term financial viability and sustainability questions. To confront this challenge, attracting international students has become a crucial lifeline as they bring a vital source of income. Recruiting and retaining these students requires more than academic prestige; it demands a rethink of how universities operate and deliver value through digital platforms.

The current challenges in international recruitment 

International students are vital to UK universities. Over 20% of universities’ total income stems from international student fees, making this demographic a critical financial pillar for many institutions. Recent trends have created new challenges. With the number of EU-based students down by 53% after the introduction of Brexit-based regulations, the pool of countries from where British universities can attract students has been further reduced.

This decline has increased financial strain and intensified competition among universities to attract more students. This requires an enhanced online and digital presence that aims to facilitate applications, improve information availability, and enhance their general image and perception. Universities recognise the need to adapt quickly to maintain their global appeal.

Going digital: how to reimagine value 

Any paper-based system is inefficient and prone to data inaccuracy or human error. Modern-day prospective students are accustomed to doing everything online, on their mobile devices, without the obligation to speak with anyone or to pick up a pen to fill out a form. For universities, going digital is equally a challenge as it is an opportunity.

Let’s take an example: A student from Hong Kong is considering enrolling in a university located in the UK or Ireland and has two or three options on the table. It is the university’s online image, digital features and facilities given for applications that will probably sway them. Any manual or outdated process to capture their data or facilitate information, such as filling in forms, making phone calls, or sending applications via postal mail, is likely to dissuade the prospect from enrolling.

On the flip side, an AI-powered chatbot that answers their questions instantly (extra points if it is in their native language!), the possibility to book online video calls with admissions staff, or the ability to complete the admissions process digitally from start to finish will do nothing but boost that university’s chances. These are the benefits of offering an end-to-end digital experience.

This approach to digital transformation addresses the immediate pain points of a paper-based system. It also goes further by creating a foundation for ongoing innovation and improvement not just in the admissions process, but across all departments’ legacy processes.

Breaking down legacy barriers 

One of the most impactful legacy processes that is particularly relevant to international admissions is that a non-digital admissions process means that students have no visibility into the status of their application, which leads to uncertainty and disengagement. Without being able to track the status of their application online, university staff are flooded with queries that significantly add to their already heavy workload, leading to delayed responses and a higher risk of errors.

Furthermore, physical paperwork poses risks of sensitive information being misplaced or accessed inappropriately, raising data protection concerns. Without the proper tools at their disposal, universities’ communications with prospective students are generic and non-personalised, which, at best, means that the student will receive irrelevant information and, at worst, a missed opportunity to engage and make them feel that this is the right university for them.

Digital transformation is not just about digitising existing processes – it is about rethinking the value of these processes and removing inefficient ones, no matter how long they have been in place. This way, universities gain an online presence and can deliver enhanced value not just to their prospective students, but also to existing ones and their staff.

Creating a suitable international admissions platform 

For international and post-graduate international students, universities are responsible for implementing their own portals and mechanisms for applications. If you have a clunky and inefficient portal, the likelihood is that students will look elsewhere, which can result in considerable damage to a university’s image and reputation.

Applying to an overseas university remotely is challenging. To combat this, universities need to ensure that their admissions portals have sufficient technological maturity to cater to student needs. This includes access to all the relevant information, a reliable system to upload and sign documentation, online help, etc. Investing in a system like this should not be perceived as a cost, but rather as an admissions driver – your university has a reputation to maintain and equipping it with the right technology is the best way of doing that.

Agencies that facilitate international applications are also a big factor to consider in international recruitment. They will be less inclined to work with universities that offer a poor user experience from the first touchpoint. A truly user-friendly experience puts the applicant first. It should be mobile-responsive, catering to the tech-savvy younger generation. It should offer seamless authentication, intuitive navigation, and clear communication at every step.

But technology alone isn’t enough. The secret lies in service design methodologies, ensuring the platforms integrate with what users need, not just what universities think they want. For the latter, the right technology is also a key business driver.

Using AI and predictive analytics to enhance student recruitment 

Universities should use predictive data and AI-powered tools to boost their recruitment. By leveraging platforms like D365 Marketing, universities can tailor communication strategies, boosting engagement and conversion rates. AI-driven tools like Power Virtual Agent and Azure Open AI offer round-the-clock, multilingual support, guiding prospective students through every step of their journey.

Universities must think beyond the applications process and consider student expectations regarding technological maturity. AI-driven adaptive learning is transforming university education. By leveraging data analytics and machine learning, institutions can craft bespoke academic journeys for each student.

This tailored approach boosts engagement and improves outcomes. Early intervention strategies powered by predictive analytics significantly impact student retention. Showcasing your technological maturity can be a deciding factor for an application to your university or another.

A call to action for higher education 

The experiences of leading UK and Irish higher-education institutions demonstrate that successful digital transformation goes beyond technology – it requires a holistic approach that puts the student experience at the centre, supported by change management strategies that bring staff and external agencies along on the journey.

As you consider your own institution’s approach to international student recruitment, examine how user-friendly and accessible your application process is for international students. Consider if you’re leveraging technology to provide real-time information and support to applicants; explore how you can use data and analytics to gain deeper insights into your applicant pool and improve your recruitment strategies; and do not fall into the trap of “this is how it’s always been done.” 

The competition to attract international students is intense, and digital transformation has emerged as a key differentiator. For universities still relying on outdated, paper-based processes and an uninspiring online presence, the message is clear: evolve or risk falling behind.

By Stephanie Conville, Higher Education Lead at Codec

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