From education to employment

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Assessment for Learning


Overview This webinar is part of a series of webinars focussing on pedagogy and improving Teaching & Learning. The sessions will ensure that delegates can…


Preparing for an Apprenticeship Audit


Education and Skills Funding Agency funding rules and requirements are disparate, complex and easy to misinterpret. The responsibility for identifying irregularities in the claims process,…

Designated Safeguarding Lead Training


A provider’s Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) plays a critical role in its approach to safeguarding its learners, training its staff, providing support and guidance and…

February Open Event

West Lancashire College College Way, Skelmersdale, United Kingdom

At our Open Event, you can find out more about our range of BTECs, Technical, T Level and Apprenticeship courses which include:T Levels in Building Services…

Understanding Apprenticeship Funding Rules 2024/25


The apprenticeship funding rules and requirements for 2024/25 have been updated affecting the paperwork and processes which providers need to use.  At this easy-to-follow seminar,…