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Making Learner Induction Fun and Inspiring


Overview Induction is often the first real contact with learners and so it is important to initiate a positive and meaningful experience and establish a…


Understanding Apprenticeship Funding Rules 2024/25


The apprenticeship funding rules and requirements for 2024/25 have been updated affecting the paperwork and processes which providers need to use.  At this easy-to-follow seminar,…

Understanding Apprenticeship Funding Rules 2024/25


The apprenticeship funding rules and requirements for 2024/25 have been updated affecting the paperwork and processes which providers need to use.  At this easy-to-follow seminar,…

AEB Working Group

Join us for our second in a regular series of meetings for providers who deliver AEB programmes.We anticipate that we shall host six meetings per…


Designated Safeguarding Lead Training


A provider’s Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) plays a critical role in its approach to safeguarding its learners, training its staff, providing support and guidance and…

Understanding the ITP financial handbook


Are you ready for the ESFA’s financial handbook? Starting from 1 August, the ESFA have set out a number of requirements and recommendations for independent…

Designated Safeguarding Lead Training


A provider’s Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) plays a critical role in its approach to safeguarding its learners, training its staff, providing support and guidance and…