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CPD Courses

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Safeguarding essentials for apprenticeships – November


If you’re new to safeguarding, or are looking for an annual refresher, this interactive online workshop is designed to increase your knowledge, skills and confidence around working…


Adapting to Teaching Adult Learners


Do you have a background in teaching learners up to the age of 18 , but finding it challenging to transition to working with adults?…

Apprenticeship Compliance for Leaders – Jan


“An apprenticeship deliverer is only going to be compliant if they understand the real risks within their organisation” This in-depth webinar series digs deeply into…


Inclusive Teaching Practice


How do we ensure that all learners have the same opportunity to learn in a safe and supportive manner?  Inclusive teaching and learning enables students…

Designated Safeguarding Officer – Mar


Whether you’re new to the Designated Safeguarding Officer role, or are looking for a refresher, this interactive online workshop will cover both virtual and face-to-face…
