June 12, 2024
10:00 am
11:30 am
The Functional Skills English requirements are challenging in their assessment expectations but these qualifications are an essential alternative to GCSEs and need to be positively embraced.
This interactive webinar will help to address some of the key challenges and explore different approaches that are needed to allow learners to be successful in the attainment of the necessary knowledge, skills and confidence needed to achieve a pass.
At the end of this webinar, you will have a deeper understanding of/ and greater confidence with:
- Building a positive attitude towards spelling;
- Building a positive attitude towards presenting information;
- The most common challenges in the 3 components of assessment.
Who should attend
All providers offering Functional Skills qualifications in English at Level 1 and 2 who want to improve the delivery and pass rates of Functional English.
This interactive webinar is relevant for managers and delivery staff involved in supporting learners on programmes that offer Functional Skills in English at Level 1 and Level 2.
This webinar is suitable for:
- Curriculum Leads – all areas;
- Delivery Managers
- Vocational Educators;
- IQAs/ Quality Teams who want to inform staff development for English.
Christine Edwards, QTLS, Creating Excellence
Click here to register or to find out more information.