March 28, 2024
10:00 am
11:30 am
Study Programmes offer essential support and guidance to young people starting on the next phase of their development, helping them with the transition into adult life.
This interactive webinar will look at what the key requirements of a sound Study Programme offer look like. Content will cover Ofsted and Gatsby recommendations, learner and employer considerations and expectations.
This interactive webinar will review:
- Good Study Programme approaches for curriculum planning;
- The best approaches to help learners take the next step;
- Employer input and expectations;
- Maths, English and Digital Skills;
- Monitoring and tracking of learner progress;
- Putting everything together.
Who should attend this webinar
All providers offering Study Programmes that feel their provision could be improved or have identified this as an area for development.
This webinar is relevant for managers and delivery staff involved in supporting learners on Study Programmes.
Click here to see more or register.
Christine Edwards QTLS, Creating Excellence