March 17
10:00 am
1:00 pm
Many providers remain anxious about inspection under the Education Inspection Framework and the changes which accompany the latest release of the inspection handbook. Planning your response and preparing for Ofsted is important and will need careful thought and consideration.
This seminar will focus on the even greater rigour with which Ofsted are applying the Inspection criteria.
As a result of attendance, delegates will be clear about:
- Ofsted’s expectations of providers relating to the Education Inspection Framework, including the increased emphasis on the Quality of Education;
- the key aspects of intent, implementation and impact of programmes offered and Ofsted’s use of the ‘deep-dive’ to assess provision;
- The increased emphasis being placed on effective governance, careers guidance and individual learner progression from their starting point;
- demonstrating continuous improvement in all aspects of the organisation’s work; and,
- meeting the stringent requirements of local safeguarding, Prevent and British Values;.
The seminar will also cover:
- accurate self-assessment and planning for quality improvement;
- how to be ready for an inspection with only two days’ advance notice; and,
- will reflect on the implications of recent changes to provider delivery models.