March 6, 2024
10:00 am
11:00 am
This webinar will give delegates an insight into the purpose and process of audits and will explain how audits are typically conducted within apprenticeships.
Common pitfalls and areas of oversight will be covered, along with how best to prepare for audits and to learn from them.
This webinar will explore:
- The purpose of audits and the different types of audits;
- How auditing processes work;
- How apprenticeship audits are typically conducted;
- The common pitfalls and points of failure arising from audits;
- How to prepare for and learn from audits.
Who should attend
This webinar is ideal for staff working within apprenticeships who have responsibility for ensuring compliance with the funding rules for apprenticeships.
The webinar is useful for all roles and types of providers, including staff that are new to the work-based learning sector.
Bally Bhogal, LX Group Limited
Click here to find out more information or to register.