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Implementing Version 2 of the 2024-25 Apprenticeship Funding Rules

March 17 @ 9:00 am 10:30 am

The Department for Education has just dropped a major update to the 2024-25 Apprenticeship Funding Rules – and the changes take effect immediately.

From 11 February, apprentices aged 19+ at start will no longer need to pass Level 2 Functional Skills to complete their apprenticeship. This applies to both new and existing learners. These changes will have significant implications for your staff, systems, and processes from both a compliance and quality perspective. Additional minor clarifications have also been made to rules on reservations of funds, co-investment and levy transfer but it is the functional skills changes which will require significant policy, administration and implementation updates.

A quick headline summary won’t cut it. That’s why we’re running a 90-minute deep-dive session to help you fully understand the impact, make the necessary adjustments, and implement these changes confidently.

We’ll also give you a detailed implementation action plan and a Functional Skills Declaration tool – the declaration will be available to download on receipt of booking. (The declaration is required in the new rules to evidence the apprentice and employer decision to continue or stop their Functional Skills programme).

Delivered by funding and compliance specialist David Lockhart-Hawkins (with added contributions from quality specialist Lou Doyle from Mesma and expert in Maths, English, and Digital Skills Christine Edwards QTLS, Creative Excellence), here’s what the session will cover:

  • A clear breakdown of the key rule changes – who they apply to and when
  • Practical implications for compliance across your learner journey (initial assessment, training plans, and more)
  • How this could influence your approach to English and maths, curriculum and potential implications for inspection
  • Practical actions you need to take across your organisation – systems, processes and staff
  • Live Q&A with David to give you the confidence you need to implement these changes

The CPD session will take place on Monday, 17 March (9.00-10.30am) with the Functional Skills Declaration issued ahead of the session.

Alongside the session, action plan and tool, you will also receive a 25% discount to our deep-dive CPD on the 2025-26 funding rules. We’ll share more during the session.

About your session

The session will be facilitated by David Lockhart-Hawkins, SDN’s compliance and funding expert who has supported hundreds of providers in their apprenticeship journey including some of the UK’s largest, highest quality, specialist and new providers. David’s in-depth understanding of curriculum design and quality, as well as funding, gives him a unique insight into the practical implications of funding rule changes.

Added contributions from:

Lou Doyle, CEO Mesma and Senior Strategic Associate SDN

Louise specialises in change leadership continuous improvement, quality assurance and governance. She is the Chief Executive Officer of Mesma (quality assurance experts and providers of online software, tools and in-depth support), and has previously held senior positions in education, after holding management positions in multinational businesses. She has worked extensively with colleges, universities and independent training providers to enhance the quality of provision. Louise holds a number of education governance roles and is both a T Level and Apprenticeship Ambassador. She has a Masters in Educational Leadership.

Christine Edwards QTLS, Creative Excellence
A leading expert in Maths, English, and Digital Skills within apprenticeship education, Christine Edwards has been driving improvement since 2003. She specialises in embedding these essential skills into training, helping providers enhance teaching quality and learner success. Through her work with the Apprenticeship Workforce Development Programme and Greater Manchester Multiply Provider Support Programme, she delivers CPD, strategic support, and innovative teaching solutions. Passionate about improving skills for work and life, Christine is also exploring AI’s role in education to enhance teaching practices and support effective contextualisation of Maths and English into programmes.

This session is designed for apprenticeship providers – compliance and operational staff, quality managers, and leaders overseeing the impact on the apprenticeship delivery journey.

“This was excellent. You feel that an awful lot of work has gone into producing this, packed with helpful content, guidance and experience. Thank you so much!”

“I will be recommending colleagues to sign up to training alerts. Really looking forward to attending other sessions.”

“Very useful – as always. Thorough and detailed, with great slides to support.”

“It was very clear that a large amount of time and effort has gone into the preparation of today’s event – and that is why SDN is my first choice for webinars.”

“Excellent coverage, well planned and organised with clear expertise in the funding rules”

 – Event attendees

Booking and payment:

You can either attend the live sessions or be sent the recording and materials if you prefer to review them in your own time.

If you’re a public sector body (e.g. Local Authority), and unable to book via card, please email us. When you make a booking, you agree to these Terms and Conditions (including those who request a booking via email and invoice)

SDN CPD is designed for Government funded Training Providers. If you’re not a Government funded Training Provider but are still interested in attending please email to discuss your attendance in more detail before booking.


March 17
9:00 am – 10:30 am
Event Category:


