February 26
10:00 am
12:30 pm
Ineffective governance has been one of the most commonly occurring Ofsted criticisms of providers deemed to be ‘Inadequate’ or who ‘Require Improvement’.
At this important workshop delegates will consider:
- the different models of governance that exist in Post-16 education
- the traits of an effective board
- terms of reference, agenda and the importance of good minute writing
- the importance of independent scrutiny challenge and support
- the importance of a skills/knowledge matrix when establishing a Board
The seminar is for apprenticeship and other education and skills providers who are looking to establish (or re-establish) an effective governing board. As part of the resource pack, delegates will be given a draft terms of reference, a skills matrix tool and a minuting template.
The focus of the seminar will be on the governance of training providers delivering apprenticeship and other ESFA funded activity.