The ESFA provide a suite of tools and reports to allow providers to conduct regular assurance and data checks to ensure they meet the funding rules and rectify anomalies in the ILR data
At this seminar, we will look in detail at the new Provider Data Self-Assessment Toolkit (PDSAT) Online Toolkit, Funding Information System (FIS) and key submission reports
The seminar will explain how the Provider Market Oversight Assurance (PMOA) team utilises PDSAT reports, along with how providers should use them in preparing for a PMOA assurance review
The seminar will provide reliable guidance and advice in the planning and usage of the PDSAT, FIS, FRM and submission reports in your ongoing internal assurance reviews
The seminar format encourages delegate participation and aims to ensure that attendees get reliable guidance and advice in the planning and usage of the PDSAT, FIS, FRM and submission reports in your ongoing internal assurance reviews.
As part of the day’s agenda we will:
- ensure that your organisation has the knowledge to ensure full understanding of the PDSAT, FIS, FRM and submission reports.
- improve your understanding of the expectations around the tools and reports available to ensure appropriate control mechanisms are in place to provide assurance on your ILR data.
- identify key submission reports and how to use them effectively, including the suite of FRM reports and any recent changes.
- Provide guidance on the correction of data errors.