From education to employment

Want to be a marketeer? Here are some tips on how to fulfil your ambition

If you are in your final year of university, graduation might seem like it’s miles away, but in reality, it’s just around the corner. That means the dreaded question lingers: ‘have you found a job yet?’

Your thoughts can become overwhelming wondering ‘what now?’ and ‘where to next?’ especially as there’s no curriculum to choose from, no advisor to chat to and no student loan to rely on.

Nine months ago, I was applying for hundreds of jobs, getting interviews from time to time, but receiving a lot of rejection emails. 

However, it’s not all doom-and-gloom. One of the main reasons why it’s so competitive is because, well, marketing is a great career path. You get to work with incredible brands, create exciting campaigns, and there’s clear career progression.

Regardless of what stage you’re at right now, it’s never too late to find ways to make yourself more employable. Below are some of my top tips to land a role in marketing.

Take it from me, these helped me stand out from the crowd and they could help you too!

1. Create a LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn is one of the most powerful social media platforms when it comes to job hunting, especially in digital marketing.

By setting up a profile, you are already massively increasing your chances of being employed. Every second, 101 job applications are submitted through LinkedIn, and out of those applicants, six are hired every minute.

When creating a profile, it’s important to provide all the relevant information about you, your education, work experience, etc. Reflecting on the skills and experience that you have in your field so far whether that be something you have gained from a previous job or at university.

However, my number one tip is to get posting! Yes, posting on LinkedIn can be daunting. The platform requires a level of professionalism that isn’t seen on other social networking sites. However, whether it is a university achievement, a grade, or your thoughts on a particular area of marketing, stick it up on LinkedIn.

Employers love an active LinkedIn applicant. It shows confidence, openness to discussion, and likely knowledgeability in marketing. In the long run, this could be the difference between getting hired or not…Get posting!

2. Get Work Experience

One of the most effective ways to land a digital marketing job is through hands-on experience, even by undertaking unpaid work as an intern.

For a few, some university courses will provide students with work experience as a mandatory module; but unfortunately, the majority don’t get this opportunity, leaving it up to you to source and secure these internships. LinkedIn, Instagram, and networking are essential tools to help you on your way to landing your dream job.

My advice is to delegate some time each week to following local marketing agencies, brands, and employees and reading their content. Doing this will allow you to be exposed to different aspects of marketing, helping build your network, knowledge, and understanding of the industry.

It is important to be confident and to reach out to the connections you make across social media, being straight to the point in what it is you want, showing enthusiasm towards digital marketing and the company itself, whilst also articulating your expertise, skills and what you can bring to the internship role.

Attaching a copy of your CV, portfolio, or anything skill related is also a necessity, as this gives the employer a better idea of your level, skill set and where to place you if you land the internship. It can also show that you are assertive and keen, which is a quality employers look for.

3. Start Networking

Have you ever heard the phrase, ‘it’s not what you know, but who you know?’ Well, this also applies to the job market.

I have heard instances where graduates have obtained jobs because of the people they had meet throughout their journey, whether on placement, at an event, or through university.

Attend professional fairs and workshops; even if it’s a brief chat with a graduate recruitment agency or a university career advisor, it can really help your prospects of landing your dream job. They may not have anything for you today, but they could have something for you tomorrow.

Keep contacts close by connecting on LinkedIn. They’ll likely post any job opportunities there first.

Good Luck!

Entering the marketing industry after education can be daunting, and I’d be lying if I said it’s all rainbows and daisies. It’s pretty inevitable that you’ll experience some hurdles before wins.

Trying to land your first job will be competitive, time consuming and difficult, but if you correctly showcase your skillset, and you are clever in how you market yourself to employers and companies, following the above tips should set you in the right direction.

Good luck!

By Caitlin Armstrong, a Social Media & Content Assistant at Glasgow-based marketing agency, GRA.

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