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University event ‘joins up the dots’ to create Chester community connections.

University event ‘joins up the dots’ to create Chester community connections.

The University of Chester’s Crossing Borders event, which celebrates the power of working creatively together with local communities, returns to Storyhouse this week.

This impactful research project led by the University aims to bridge the gap between academia, the Chester community and beyond.

The event will see the University collaborate with individuals, companies, volunteer groups and local charities to explore how they can work together across the worlds of arts and culture, health and social care, welfare, education and recreation.

Organisers Dr Evelyn Jamieson and Neuza Morais, explained:

“It’s about building bridges, understanding existing realities, and finding ways to support and collaborate with one another.”

Evelyn is Associate Professor and Programme Leader for MA Dance and MA Drama in the Department of Music, Media and Performance and Neuza is the Crossing Borders research assistant and a Visiting Lecturer in the University’s Department of Art and Design and Language Facilitator in the Department of Languages and Cultures.

She said: “Last year, the project focused on cultivating partnerships, enabling the Department of Music, Media and Performance to become a platform for individuals and organisations in our community to forge their own alliances. As a result of this collaborative spirit, several projects emerged, demonstrating the power of meaningful connections.

“This year, in Crossing Borders 2: Joining Up the Dots, an emphasis will be placed on understanding our community at a deeper level.

“Who are the individuals, organisations, and groups working tirelessly for the betterment of our community? What drives them? What dreams, challenges, and obstacles do they face?”

The event is structured around four main themes: Community, Partnerships, Identity, and Belonging.

Each theme will be explored through dedicated groups, with experts and advocates sharing their experiences and initiatives from subjects spanning art and heritage to marginalised groups, theatre, and music.

Neuza said: “Thanks to the generosity of Storyhouse, we have secured a six-hour window to host the event, and to ensure that as many stories and perspectives are shared as possible, we’re adopting a 15-minute slot format. This will let us engage with a diverse range of presentations –14 in total, featuring over 24 individuals – and the best part is, it will be completely free and open to everyone.”

After the event, organisers will compile findings and insights into a manifesto, providing a vision for positive change which will be presented later this year.

Evelyn added: “The University’s connection to Chester is symbiotic and we are committed to being active participants in the growth and well-being of our beloved city. We are looking forward to welcoming members of the public to join us on this journey of discovery and transformation. And celebrating the power of collaboration, the strength of community, and the joy of shared progress.”

For more information on last year’s event visit here.

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