From education to employment

Takeover at the Science Museum


The East London Institute of Technology led a collaborative “Takeover” at the Science Museum

The Science Museum played host to a groundbreaking event as three London Institutes of Technology joined forces for a three-day takeover.

From 18-20 June, the East London Institute of Technology (East London IoT), in partnership with London City IoT and West London IoT, orchestrated a series of engaging and educational activities designed to inspire young minds and celebrate the pivotal role of technicians in today’s society.

Over the course of the event, a total of 576 participants, including 576 children and 67 adults, from 12 school groups across London, immersed themselves in a hands-on exploration of scientific phenomena and technological innovation.

“We are thrilled to have spearheaded this initiative alongside our esteemed partners,” said Natasha Arazi, Head of East London IoT. “Our collective goal was not only to showcase the exciting world of technology but also to highlight the crucial role of technicians in shaping our future.”

The event featured a diverse array of interactive workshops and demonstrations, each designed to foster curiosity and creativity among the young participants. Highlights included experiments on acidity levels in liquids, exploring the effects of energy drinks on heart rates using biological specimens, and water safety testing demonstrations.

Participants also took part in the Egg Drop Challenge, where they designed and tested protective structures to prevent eggs from breaking upon impact, as well as engaging with wind and air operations and delving into the realm of robotics.

The collaborative effort between East London IoT, London City IoT, and West London IoT exemplifies the power of partnership in promoting STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education and inspiring innovation.

Glenn Lambert, Director London City IoT says: “Today has been about engaging the young people in STEM.”  

“The response from the students and educators was overwhelmingly positive,” added Tulay Rashid Grant, Exec Director of East London IoT, “It was inspiring to see young minds so eager to explore and learn. Events like this are crucial in nurturing the next generation of scientists, engineers, and technicians.”

Summing up the event, Yaseen Aktar, managing Director West London IoT said: “We are proud to be supporting the Science Museum today with our technical staff who are inspiring the next generation of young people to enter careers within STEM.”

The technician’s gallery at the Science Museum was funded and developed by the Gatsby Foundation. Ginny Page, Director of programmes, Gatsby Foundation explains: “We want to show the incredible range of exciting, inspiring and rewarding careers of technicians; we know that this mission and vision is shared by the institutes of technology and so it’s been incredible to see them here today engaging with lots of young people and teachers.”

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