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Shipley College celebrated for sustainability

Shipley College are celebrating being selected as a finalist in a national sustainability awards.

The Green Gown Awards UK & Ireland recognise the exceptional sustainability initiatives being undertaken by universities and colleges across the UK.

Shipley were the first college in the world to sign up to the SDG Accord (Sustainable Development Goals) worldwide and have been providing technical guidance and mentorship and sharing best practices with seven other colleges around the West Yorkshire region and have been nominated in the ‘Creating Impact’ category.

Shipley College is one of the smallest general FE colleges in the UK. The nomination has recognised the fact that a great impact can be made by collaboration and sharing best practice.

Natasha Wilkinson, Sustainability & Facilities Coordinator at the College says:

‘We are delighted to be a Green Gown finalist for 2023. Shipley College has been working with the West Yorkshire Consortium of Colleges and was the lead college in the SDG Green Skills Project. This project trained staff to become “SDG champions” and gave them the knowledge and confidence to cascade what they had learnt to staff and students in their college, with the hope of them becoming the next generation of ‘SDG difference makers’. Working collaboratively means that we can all share best practice and learn from each other to ensure we make the biggest possible impact.’

The colleges will continue to work together for the next two years to ensure staff in all colleges participating in the project have a key knowledge of the SDGs, which can be incorporated into their daily lives and teaching.

Winners will be announced at the awards ceremony on 30 November 2023.


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