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Select Further Education (FE) Colleges: Unlocking Growth Through Co-opetition


FE colleges are navigating a competitive environment whilst exploring collaboration between other (generally regional) FE colleges. The reasons for collaboration include: 

  • Shared Expertise: Network activities like professional development and mutual support allow colleges to leverage collective knowledge and best practices. 
  • Tempered Competition: Establishing frameworks for healthy competition prevents “cutthroat” tactics and fosters a more sustainable environment. 
  • Mutual Success: Collaboration can ensure the continued success of all institutions by providing support during challenging times. 

Co-opetition: Putting Theory into Practice 

The concept of “co-opetition” perfectly captures this strategic blend of cooperation and competition. We have firsthand client experience of this approach allowing FE colleges in the both the West Midlands and Warwickshire (WMW) and West Yorkshire (WY) to better align their offerings with employer needs through: 

  • Joint Efforts: Colleges can collaborate on specific areas outlined in their respective Local Skills Improvement Plans (LSIPs), such as curriculum development or staff training, leveraging their unique strengths to address priority skills and optimise resources. 
  • Reduced Costs: This eliminates wasteful duplication of effort, leading to cost savings and improved course efficiency. 
  • Enhanced Brand: Jointly tackling challenges like work readiness and upskilling strengthens the collective brand of the region, attracting students, businesses, and investors. WMW FE providers created a hub to present region’s best training and talent in one place. 
  • Innovation: Collaboration fosters a vibrant exchange of ideas and talent, leading to innovative solutions and improved educational offerings for all. Working with Luminate Education Group and WY Consortium of Colleges (WYCC), our West Yorkshire Finance & Professional Services Skills Report recommended how colleges can support the region’s flourishing finance and professional services industry. 

Building a Successful Co-opetitive Environment 

Co-opetition requires a delicate balance. Here are some key considerations for success: 

  • Mindsets: Cooperation with rivals has an emotional aspect that needs to be acknowledged. Some people are comfortable with the idea that there can be multiple winners, and some are not. 
  • Clear Framework: Establish clear rules defining areas of collaboration (e.g., joint curriculum development) while acknowledging competition in core areas (e.g., student recruitment). 
  • Open Communication: Regular dialogue and transparency between colleges are essential for upholding these rules and ensuring a fair and productive co-operative environment. 

The Key Steps to Building the Co-opetitive Framework 

  • Develop the strategic vision: the collaborative development of the strategic vision by the FE colleges in fundamental. This include defining the vision (the future state) but also agreeing the relevant external and internal assumptions. The good news is that as part of the LSIPs, the visions for the regional collaborations of FE colleges have already been developed.  
  • Agree the details: the areas for cooperation or collaboration between FE colleges need to be defined with the objective of unlocking benefits e.g. new opportunities for growth and innovation. Similarly, the areas for competition should also be defined. For FE colleges, this will be where the regional demand for specific course is high such that it makes practical sense for a number of colleges to offer the same course.  
  • Monitor the gives and gets: the coopetition agreements need to be structured to benefit all parties involved. In all strong relationships, there are “gives” and “gets” need to be monitored in a way that supports  

By embracing co-opetition, FE colleges can transform competition from a threat into an opportunity. As colleges work together to enhance their collective capabilities, they create a more robust, innovative, and responsive education system. This collaborative spirit not only addresses current needs but also paves the way for future growth, ensuring that FE colleges remain vital contributors to the regional and national economy. Through co-opetition, we can achieve a balanced and sustainable educational environment where everyone thrives. 

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