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Salford students help to raise the £33 million donated for BBC Children in Need

Students from the University of Salford’s Esports Society came together on Friday 10 November for a live broadcast event like no other as they battled it out with universities from across the UK in a Rocket League tournament in aid of BBC Children in Need. Broadcast live on BBC3 and BBC iPlayer, the tournament saw players from across the University of Salford take part in the challenge from HOST Salford in MediaCity.

The ‘Game On for BBC Children in Need’ event helped towards the total of over £33 million raised for this fantastic cause, which will help to support children and their families across the UK. Children in Need has never felt so important against the backdrop of the current economic climate and the cost-of-living crisis, and the University was proud to take part in this exciting event for a great cause.

James West, Chair of the University of Salford Esports Society, commented:

“It was really special to be a part of the live broadcast event for BBC Children in Need. The gaming industry has grown exponentially over the past few years, and is now a thriving sector in its own right, and it was great to be able to showcase the talent we have here at the University on such a national scale. Raising money for Children in Need by doing something we love was a real bonus, and I’m proud to have contributed to the over £33 million total raised across the country by Children in Need events.”

Iain Earle, Programme Lead for the HND Esports with Business Management course, run by Salford Business School, added:

“I was really proud of our students on the evening of the event, and of course a huge thank you to everyone who was involved in making this happen and donating to this worthy cause.”

“At Salford Business School, we offer the chance to turn your interest in the Esports ecosystem into a viable career with our HND Esports Business Management course, offering students the chance to use our state-of-the-art facilities, and enjoy playing Esports while learning the business skills needed to cultivate a business in a rapidly growing market. Just the fact that this broadcast was live on the BBC demonstrates the popularity and rising demand for Esports learning: watch this space!”

There’s still time to donate if you enjoyed the live stream on the BBC! Donate to BBC Children in Need here.

To find out more about the HND Esports Business Management course at Salford Business School, visit HND Esports Business Management | University of Salford.

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