From education to employment

Barnsley College’s first T Level result success

Barnsley College is celebrating its first set of T Level (Technical qualification) results with a 96% overall pass rate and a 100% pass rate in two of three subjects.

82.4% of students studying Construction: Design, Surveying and Planning achieved a distinction grade whilst 86% of all students studying T Levels achieved a Merit or above in their overall classification.

Many of the College’s students are now looking forward to starting Higher Education courses at universities including Huddersfield, Lincoln, Newcastle and Plymouth. Other students are already embarking on full-time employment as they secure jobs or begin an Apprenticeship.

Outstanding individual successes include John Lack who studied Construction: Design, Surveying and Planning T Level and Greg Devine who studied Digital: Digital Production, Design and Development T Level both achieving a distinction grade.

John Lack has a confirmed place at the University of Lincoln to study Architecture Science and Technology and said: “I have enjoyed studying at Barnsley College as I have been given freedom which has allowed me to become the person I am today and have had the opportunity to learn with lovely staff who have been so helpful.

“My favourite part of my course was my work placement with Willmott Dixon; it was really well suited to my modules, and I have been able to gain new skills on and off site with their support.”

Amiee Hardy is also celebrating after securing a distinction in Childcare: Early Years Educator T Level and said: “I have enjoyed my time at College, spending time with friends and continuing to learn new things. My immediate plans are to study Early Years at university and later progress to a career in psychology or teaching.”

Neil Johnson, Assistant Principal of Young People at Barnsley College, said: “We are incredibly proud of our pioneering T Level students and their achievements. The T Level provision has enabled many students to acquire the knowledge and skills towards highly skilled employment and the industry placement has allowed them to develop and apply these skills and gain vital experience in roles aligned to their career aspirations. These students now progress with the full package of knowledge, skills and industry experience on to their next steps. We wish them every success.”

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