Brodies appointed to the legal services framework agreement for Scotland’s universities and colleges

UK and leading Scottish law firm, Brodies LLP has been appointed to the Advanced Procurement for Universities and Colleges (APUC) framework agreement for legal services, to provide legal support to Scotland’s universities and colleges and associated members in Scotland.
Six law firms were appointed across the single lot framework, which covers five key areas of technical expertise including: commercial business, property & estates, people/HR matters, charity and international matters.
APUC is the procurement centre of expertise for, and owned by, all of Scotland universities and colleges.
Brodies’ appointment is on an initial two-year basis, with the option to extend for an additional two years.
Brodies’ partner Brenda Scott, who specialises in the education sector, said:
“We are very much looking forward to providing support to, and working with, the universities, colleges and organisations that use the APUC framework.
“The past 18 months has been a particularly challenging period for the education sector, creating often new and unexpected issues that have required organisations to adapt significantly – and to do so quickly. Our appointment to the APUC panel will enable our highly experienced lawyers to help consortium members navigate these new ways of working in the education sector and to address both short and long term, issues and opportunities.”
Eilidh Morgan (She/Her/Hers)|ExternalCommunications Manager |Brodies LLP Solicitors|
M +44(0) 7896 683275
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