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Over a third of northeastern pupils use AI ‘all the time’ for schoolwork 

digital skills

New research reveals that the Northeast has one of the highest rates of AI usage amongst pupils in the UK. The study, commissioned by leading Edtech solutions and strategies provider RM Technology, found that over a third (39%) of pupils in the region are using the technology ‘all the time’ to help with schoolwork, which is 10% higher than the UK average. 

The research reveals that almost half (49%) of students in the Northeast are using AI to help write an English essay and a quarter (24%) are using it to create a piece of art, compared to a UK average of 41% and 18% respectively. 

With AI being adopted readily by students in the Northeast, this familiarity with the technology means they most agree (56%) that excluding AI from the classroom will negatively impact their learning and keep them outdated, compared to an average of 49% across the UK. 

Yet, in the Northeast, 63% of students believe they achieved better results when using AI to help with schoolwork, compared to a UK average of 68%, showing that despite its popularity students aren’t using the technology as effectively as the rest of the UK. 

Following the news that scientists and technologists are teaming up with head teachers and examiners throughout the UK to manage AI usage in schools, the research reinforces why this is a necessary step. 

Just under half (44%) of teachers in the Northeast believe their students know more about AI than they do, compared to a national average of 36%. To help close this knowledge gap, 30% of teachers in the Northeast believe AI needs regulation, compared to a UK average of 41%.

Mel Parker, Educational Technologist at RM Technology, said:

“Students are feeling increasingly confident and optimistic about introducing AI into their educational experience. Yet, with students’ understanding of the technology accelerating – it’s vital we equip teachers with the tools and understanding to keep up.

Generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT, have great potential if regulated properly in schools, and can be used to create a more inclusive educational environment for students. Teachers too are optimistic about its benefits as well, with 70% saying they would consider having a virtual AI assistant included in your online learning platforms to support your work. As such, access to new, relevant technologies should be welcomed in classrooms, but we’re at a crossroads where government regulation and training are becoming ever more necessary to maximise the benefits of AI.”

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