From education to employment

OCN London partners with Learning Vault to facilitate lifelong learning through digital credentials   

Collaboration, employee engagement

London, June 2024 – In response to the growing need for a more agile and responsive approach to skills development, OCN London has announced a strategic partnership with the global edtech leader and provider of digital credentialing technology, Learning Vault. This collaboration allows OCN London to issue digital, verifiable credentials for skills recognition and to empower their learners in the talent marketplace, thus enhancing workforce readiness. 

The Greater London Authority (GLA) Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) underlines the necessity of adopting a modular and adaptable approach to education. This is especially crucial for meeting the dynamic needs of London’s diverse communities and labour market.  

Micro-credentials, targeted short courses that recognise specific competencies in various knowledge and skills areas, provide the solution. When combined with digital, verifiable credentials, as a modern form of certification, they not only facilitate quick upskilling to promptly meet the changing needs of employers and the overall economy but also give learners a verified and portable way to showcase their new skills in the job market.  

OCN London’s CEO Carlos Cubillo-Barsi explains, “Micro-credentials and digital credentials are igniting a transformation in how we recognise and empower skills in modern workplaces, as well as our wider communities. They provide employers and individuals with the agility to perpetually learn, adapt, and excel in an ever-evolving skills landscape.”  

By 2025, the World Economic Forum (WEF) predicts that 50% of all employees will need to undergo reskilling because of the increased use of new technologies. This emphasises the growing significance of continuous learning and obtaining new skills to remain competitive and adaptable in the workplace.  

“The demands of today’s job market are constantly evolving. Lifelong learning has never been more crucial and is considered a mega-trend across the globe. Micro-credentials and digital credentials are emerging as the key in this workforce megatrend, growing and validating individual skills and serving as a machine-readable, portable currency in the talent marketplace,” explains Learning Vault’s CEO Nicholas Robert Alderdice.  

Addressing the immediate needs identified by the GLA’s LSIP, OCN London launched its micro-credential framework in November 2023. These credentials, which can be delivered online, face-to-face, or through hybrid methods, are mapped against various skills taxonomies to meet specific demands. 

Notably, OCN London has introduced pathways for AI and IT productivity software, such as Microsoft Office, addressing critical digital skills requirements highlighted by the LSIP.  

The partnership with Learning Vault will now allow OCN London to issue digital, verifiable credentials to learners who successfully completed a micro-credential course. Additionally, those who complete an entire micro-credential pathway will gain a credential for their comprehensive skillset, further boosting their employability.  

“By embracing micro- and digital credentials, we are not just shaping future learning environments, but we are also fueling a culture of education innovation, ensuring that learners are not just prepared, but inspired to lead and redefine their job roles and the industry they work in”, says Cubillo-Barsi.   

OCN London’s dedication to flexibility, industry relevance, and quality aims to equip the workforce with the skills needed to thrive in a rapidly changing economic environment. By collaborating with Learning Vault, OCN London aims to facilitate the recognition and portability of micro-credentials on a broader scale.  

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