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Post-qualifications admissions – Should year 10s be enrolled into the UCAS system?

Student with pages covering their face

Abandoning university admissions reform ‘another nail in the coffin’ for widening access to working class communities say UCU

Last year the Department for Education consulted on moving to a post qualification admissions (PQA) system, which UCU has long argued for.

The University and College Union (UCU) today (Thursday) said abandoning admissions reform was a ‘grave error’ by the UK government, and ‘another nail in the coffin’ for widening access to working class communities.

UCU said that, combined with plans by the government to limit access to higher education and place a higher loan burden on students, abandoning admission reform was another backward step that would further shut down access to higher education.

The union has also launched a report that sets out how post qualification admissions reform supports the government’s claimed post-16 education priorities.

The report, “How admissions reform can address five big challenges for higher education” lays out how admissions reform supports government priorities on student choice, T-levels, and graduate outcomes.

It also makes a bold case for enrolling year 10s into the UCAS system.

Graduate outcomes

The report argues that PQA can improve graduate outcomes by providing students with more advice and guidance prior to admissions, thereby meaning students are more likely to make a better informed university and course choice. Currently around a third of students are unhappy with either their choice of course, institution, or decision to enter higher education.

Student engagement in university admissions

The report argues that student engagement in the university admissions system needs to begin earlier and that schools should enroll all students who express an interest in higher education into UCAS from year 10 as this would emphasise to students (particularly those from under-represented groups) that higher education choice is something to engage in earlier than year 12.

PQA and T-levels

The report points to evidence that if T levels replace BTECs, universities will use T-level qualifications as a route for students to enter higher education. The report argues that PQA will enable the university admission system to be sufficiently flexible to allow T-level students to progress into higher education. It says this will be particularly important whilst T-levels are being introduced as grade prediction is likely to be even less accurate than normal.

Jo Grady

UCU general secretary Jo Grady also said:

‘This report outlines how a post qualification admission system aligns with the UK Government’s supposed priorities in post-16 education. Bold change to admissions is needed if the government is serious about commitments to improve student choice and graduate outcomes. Ministers cannot claim to be levelling up education if they abandon the admissions reform that would ensure disadvantaged students can access the courses best suited to their potential.’

Report author Graeme Atherton said:

‘This report moves beyond arguments about the accuracy of predicted grades and looks at how admissions reform, including enrolling year 10s into the UCAS system, can raise the bar in supporting students to succeed at higher education. Providing students key advice and guidance about their future is all the more important if the government intends to increase the student debt burden and shut down access to higher education. There is a generational opportunity to reform university admissions. The government must seize it.’

Clare Marchant

Clare Marchant, UCAS Chief Executive, said:

“As an independent charity, improving opportunities and outcomes for students, regardless of their background, will always be our absolute priority.

“We have a well-developed ongoing programme of reform that has student choice, transparency, and fair access at its heart. Having engaged extensively with students, teachers, universities, colleges and employers on our plans, we believe continuing to deliver these improvements will make sure students can make the right decisions for them.

“Being able to support all students, help them make well informed decisions about their futures and give them more flexibility as they apply was never dependent on post-qualification admissions.

“Students can already explore all their post-secondary options on, and we will bring true parity across undergraduate courses, apprenticeships, and technical training by presenting their choices side-by-side.

“As we continue to transform how students make their decisions, over the last two years UCAS has introduced Clearing Plus and new services such as ‘decline my place’ giving students greater control over their application. Last year over 4,000 disadvantaged students secured a new university or college choice using Clearing Plus, with more than 15,000 UK students using it to secure a place at a more selective institution after getting their results. We therefore already have an element of post qualification admissions in the system that is working well.”

Sector Reaction to DfE’s PQA announcement

Commenting on the Department for Education’s announcement on post-qualifications admissions as part of the consultation on its higher education policy statement and reform,

Jo Grady

UCU general secretary Jo Grady said:

‘Abandoning admissions reform is a grave error. Post qualification admissions are essential for ensuring students get into the right university according to their actual achievement not predictions of potential, which are often inaccurate. Ministers cannot claim to be levelling up education if they abandon the admissions reform that would open up access. Alongside the regressive changes to students’ ability to access finance this is another nail in the coffin for widening access to universities – and a clear indication this government has little concern for the aspirations of those from working class communities.’

Geoff Barton, General Secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders

Geoff Barton, General Secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders, said:

“The government’s decision to reject a post-qualifications admissions system for higher education seems like a missed opportunity. It would appear to have been put in the too-difficult drawer.

“There are arguments for and against such a system, but its potential merits include placing students in a stronger position when applying for courses with their results in hand. It could also address the difficulty in providing accurate predicted grades, the subjective nature of personal statements, and the excessive use of unconditional offers in recent years.

“Nevertheless, we accept that there are significant logistical implications in the introduction of this type of system, and that, if nothing else, the idea has now been thoroughly considered.

“We are pleased that the government has set out its intention to tackle the problems which have been identified in the current system and we look forward to the results of this work.”

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