How to access your personal learning record

Information for learners and parents about their personal learning record.
What is a personal learning record?
Your PLR is your permanent, authoritative online record of your qualifications and achievements. The PLR records general and vocational qualifications such as but not limited to QCF, A levels, GCSEs, BTEC, Diplomas and Functional Skills. The PLR means you should no longer have to show copies of different certificates to learning providers and employers. You can provide this information as a report generated from your PLR.
Read the privacy notices and what it means to you, so you understand how your data will be used.
What’s my unique learner number (ULN)?
The ULN is a unique 10-digit number, and most learners aged 14+ have one. It is designed to work with your PLR, helping to give you proof of your learning and achievements from the age of 16 onwards.
The Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), an executive agency of the Department for Education (DfE), creates and holds the Unique Learner Numbers to enable effective management of information to fulfil the functions of the DfE. This has been overseen and agreed with the Information Commissioner’s Office. To this extent, the processing does not require an individual’s consent under the data protection law as the information is processed in accordance with Article 6(3) GDPR – processing which is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller – and, where it is special category personal data that might be held, in accordance with Article 9(2)(g) GDPR – processing is necessary for reasons of substantial public interest… proportionate to the aim pursued.
The ULN is mandatory for all learners aged 14 or over or in or will be in receipt of a diploma qualification. ULNs are also mandatory for learners in England funded by the Education and Skills Funding Agency.
You can find your ULN (10 digit code) published on certificates or result slips. Otherwise, contact your current or most recent learning provider.
How do I obtain my ULN?
If you are aged 14 to 19, your school, college or learning provider can give you your ULN reference. Since March 2013, Awarding Organisations have started to print individuals ULN references on their certificates.
Why can’t I access my personal learning record from National Careers Service website?
Previously, you were able to access your personal learning record via the Life Long Learning Account known as the Learner Record. From the 25 October 2016, this specific service is being de-commissioned and will no longer be available from the National Careers Service website.
How do I request a copy of my personal learning record?
We are currently unable to deal with requests via the post. If you have an urgent requirement for this please contact the LRS service desk who will be able to assist you:
- Telephone: 0345 602 2589
How do I report a problem on my personal learning record?
You can report a problem on your PLR for any of following reasons:
- Information on one of the qualifications is wrong
- One of the qualifications does not belong to this learner
- One of the qualifications appear more than once
Please note, the Agency is not responsible for investigating missing qualifications from the PLR.
If you’re enrolled/associated with a training provider, school or college you can ask the organisation to raise a Data Challenge on your behalf. Organisations registered with the LRS have the ability to raise Data Challenges on behalf of their learners through the LRS Organisation Portal.
If you’re not enrolled/associated with a training provider, school or college please contact the LRS service desk on 0345 602 2589 who have the ability to raise a Data Challenge on your behalf.
Published 17 May 2018
Last updated 27 March 2020 + show all updates
We have updated the information under the heading “What’s my unique learner number (ULN)?”.
We have updated our contact information.
First published.