GCSE Results at City College Plymouth

It’s official … City College Plymouth is the learning destination of choice!
With an overall pass rate of 97%, students and staff at the city’s anchor provider of skills have celebrated outstanding GCSE results.
Nationally, pass rates for GCSE maths and English have taken a big drop compared to last year due to grades returning to pre-pandemic standards but students at City College have excelled.
Across England only 16.4% achieved a grade 9-4 in maths*, placing the College significantly above the national picture with its students bucking the trend by achieving 23.2%. The College also surpassed the national average for English (25.9%) with 29.5% of students achieving a grade 9-4.
As Plymouth’s anchor institution for skills, the College’s inclusive learning environment welcomes students of all ages to improve their literacy and numeracy skills. The results achieved by the College’s adult students were particularly impressive with an overall pass rate in English of over 99%. Of the 133 adults sitting English exams this summer, 51% gained high grades.
Many of the students who collected their exam results today will be progressing onto higher level courses at the College with some having gained their GCSE qualification as an entry requirement to study a degree. Others are now looking forward to enhanced job opportunities having gained these essential qualifications.
For those who do not have a GCSE in English and maths at grade 4 or above, the College’s highly successful English and maths team will support anyone with the desire to gain these vital skills. Not only will these qualifications improve employment prospects and provide greater education opportunities, strong English and maths skills will help with other aspects of life, from finance management and effective communication, to supporting children with their homework.
To find out more about studying GCSEs at City College Plymouth, visit the College’s Open Day at Kings Road between 10.00am and 1.00pm on Friday 25 August, or call the Customer Services team on 01752 305300.
* Provisional 2023 GCSE Results 17+ (JCQ)