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Gala Awards 2024 – Student of the Year title shared by TWO winners for the first time

Gala Awards 2024 – Student of the Year title shared by TWO winners for the first time

Brockenhurst College’s Gala Awards ceremony took place at the College in July, with the most eagerly anticipated award for Student of the Year being shared by two winners for the first time.

STEM student Daisy Colebeck from Bournemouth, who has a Cambridge University offer, and Media student Lillie Howes from Totton, who has an offer from University of Winchester, were named joint winners.

For 2024, the awards ceremony was reformatted to recognise and celebrate different types of student accomplishment from across the college – not just academic accomplishments.

The evening began with drinks and canapés, providing the ideal opportunity for parents, staff, winners and sponsors to mingle.

Guests then took their seats as host Alexa Phillips officially opened proceedings on stage, welcoming everyone to the college.

After explaining the new format, she introduced Principal Helen Odhams and Chair of Governors James Hiley-Jones, who took turns to present awards to the winners.

In total, 34 awards were delivered, with winners receiving a certificate and a citation from the nominating staff member, plus a cheque for £100.00 from the award sponsor.

Joint Student of the Year winner, Daisy Colebeck, said afterwards: “It’s really nice to have been acknowledged for all my hard work over the last two years.

“What makes tonight even more special is that the awards recognise every kind of student here at Brock, not just academic high achievers – that’s what I’m really happy about.

“In education, it’s often easy to focus just on the top academic achievers, and I think it’s important that everyone is celebrated.

“The student body at Brock is broad. You have students who are going to Oxbridge, but also those who have overcome difficult personal challenges, and all of those achievements have been celebrated this evening.”

Lillie Howes, who shared the Student of Year title with Daisy, said: “I feel slightly overwhelmed by my award this evening. I’ve been at Brock for six years and in a way I really don’t want to leave.

“I have so many highlights from my time here, and I’ve made friendships and memories that will stay with me forever. Tonight has been a great way to end my time at Brock.”

As well as honouring exceptional student contributions and academic performances, the Gala Awards marked the official end of the 2023/24 college year.

Principal, Helen Odhams, said: “I congratulate all our award winners for their dedication and hard work, which highlight the exceptional talents of our student body.

“These achievements reflect both their personal commitment as well as the inspirational and supportive environment provided by our staff.

“We look forward to seeing their continued success as part of our alumni community. Well done to all of them.”

You can see the full list of awards, sponsors and winners here:

Sixth Form Student of the Year sponsored by University of Southampton Business school – Lillie Howes

Sixth Form Student of the Year sponsored by LW Repairs – Daisy Colebeck

Access to Higher Education Student of the Year sponsored by Bournemouth University – Macrie Siguiente

Adult Professional Course Student of the Year sponsored by Mindful Education – Nathan West

Apprenticeship Student of the Year sponsored byNew Forest District Council – Noah Campbell-Wynter

Higher Education Student of the Year sponsored by University of Portsmouth – Natalie King

Art, Design and Photomedia sponsored by Arts University Bournemouth – Annie Matthews

Business sponsored byGo New Forest – Sophie Gasnier

Computing and IT sponsored byWise Guys – Hattie Collinge

Construction and Marine sponsored by TSI Turbo Service International – Cristina Radu

Early Childhood and Health Sponsored by Link Medical Services – Emily Mansbridge

Employer of the Year – New Forest District Council

Engineering sponsored by Doughty Engineering – Brooke (Cody) James

English and Modern Foreign Languages sponsored by Rhinefield House Hotel – Emily Drew

Extended Project Qualification sponsored by University of Winchester – Bethany Butlin

Foundation and Inclusive Learning sponsored by Hoburne – Ashley Davey

Functional Skills sponsored by Innovus – Jose Ruiz Garcia

Humanities sponsored by Vida Promotions – Oliver Hession

International sponsored by MASS concrete – Laura Dalvi Calazans

Mathematics sponsored by Scorpion Vision –  Em Stocks

PACE sponsored by New Forest Business Partnership – Rheam Young

Performing Arts and Music sponsored by MAST Mayflower Studios –Lucy Webb

Science sponsored by Exxon Mobil – George Meadows

Service Industries sponsored by Careys Manor Hotel & SenSpa – James Senior

Social Sciences sponsored by Solent LEP – Saskia Sims

Sport sponsored by Paultons Golf Centre – Victoria Thompson

Student Ambassador of the Year sponsored by Balmer Lawn Hotel – Isaac Lewis

Vocational Creative Arts and Media sponsored by Arts University Bournemouth –Tamsin Muir

Paul White Memorial Cup – Luke Daly

Chris Campbell Memorial Prize – Bradley Clark

Lesley Errington Trust Award – Jonathan Thring

Nathan Ridler Memorial Award – Breanna Duose

Emily Longley Memorial Award – Lauren Johnson

Robert Jones Memorial Award – Neve Slattery

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