Changes to statutory insolvency and intervention regimes for Further Education Colleges

Information on forthcoming changes to the regulation of further education (FE) colleges.
The government is introducing a new statutory insolvency regime for FE colleges to:
- give legal clarity about what will happen in the event of a college entering insolvency
- provide protection for current students
We are also reviewing and strengthening our FE college intervention regime to ensure we can:
- identify issues within colleges earlier
- focus on preventing colleges getting into a position of insolvency
This document answers some anticipated questions to help build awareness of the changes among FE colleges.
In April 2019, we will publish full details setting out what is changing.

Regulation of further education colleges
Ref: DFE-00033-2019PDF, 189KB, 11 pages
Published 31 January 2019
Last updated 22 February 2019 + show all updates
- Added email and postal address for college or creditor insolvency proceeding notifications.
- First published.