From education to employment

A foundation to success for Emma

Emma Johnston

Emma Johnston recently completed the Foundation Apprenticeship in Social Services Children and Young People. Read her story below.

On top of 6th year studies, Emma undertook the second year of the Foundation Apprenticeship for Social Services Children and Young People with @BordersCollege Department of Enterprise and Business Innovation.

This comprised attending two online sessions per week to gain knowledge and understanding relevant to current practice and individual planning and support sessions with her assessor. In addition, she attended placement one afternoon a week.

Emma showed a commitment to the Apprenticeship programme from the start and maintained a high level of attendance throughout. She ensured deadlines for written work were met and managed to find a balance with her other studies.

It quickly became clear that Emma was enthusiastic about working with children and, once on placement, she fitted into the team well and the placement always provided excellent feedback about Emma and her practice.

Commenting on her time at College, Emma said:

“In S5, I still was undecided on what I wanted to do as a career. I decided to take the Foundation Apprenticeship course in Children and Young People. The course has been amazing and has taught me so much. I’ve done the course for two years, the first year was all theory and the second is theory plus a placement at a nursery. I have really enjoyed being on placement. It’s great being able to go into a childcare setting and see what it’s like and be able to put what you have learned into practice.

“I’m glad I took this course, as it has helped me realise that I want to go into a career in childcare. In September, I start the HND Childhood Practice Year 1 course at Borders College. I hope to further my knowledge and I am looking forward to the placement.”

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