Equalities in difficult times
Excellent approaches to advancing equality, diversity and inclusion were shared at two LSIS dissemination events taking place in June and July. These highlighted some of the imaginative ways in which providers have improved experiences and opportunities for their learners, communities and staff.
Since 2009, LSIS has been collaborating with a range of learning and skills providers to design, develop and share new approaches, resources and materials.
The leaders of a number of these projects shared their findings with colleagues across the sector at the two showcase events. Delegates were able to discover how the projects made a difference to organisations, learners and communities – and the lessons to be learned for the future.
But it was very noticeable at the recent event LSIS held in Birmingham that only a few of the 70 attendees were from ethnic minorities. This was a great contrast to the past – so what is going on?
In the face of cuts, many colleges and providers have “mainstreamed” their equality and diversity function and in doing so have taken out their specialist function – which is where many professionals from ethnic minorities were employed. The function now rests with a senior manager who has a multiplicity of other duties.
This response is understandable in difficult times. And “mainstreaming” has long been the Holy Grail we have been seeking. Making equality and diversity the province of a specialist team makes it so easy for others to say that “it’s not their business”.
But there are unforeseen consequences – and there is a danger of moving backwards after a long period of rising numbers of ethnic minority staff gaining senior positions in further education. We need to be vigilant if we are not to lose the ground we have gained in making further education truly representative of the communities we serve.
Rob Wye is chief executive of the Learning and Skills Improvement Service, which aims to accelerate the drive for excellence in the learning and skills sector