From education to employment

Next step to getting the right job – do your homework

In my previous article Key Steps to Getting the Right Job – Self Awareness I discussed the importance of gaining good self-awareness, and knowing what type of job and working environment will motivate you to get you out of bed in the morning – every morning!

Now, I want to take you to the next stage – Step 2, and help you to find the right job for you.

What sort of research do I need to do?

  • You need to do some focused research on the job market and on companies who might employ you.

  • You need to find out what employers are looking for and ensure that you meet the criteria.

  • You also need to find out which companies are likely to have the type of job you are looking for, so that you target that market.

How do I do it?

The first port of call these days is using the web. Google, Yahoo and MSN are popular search engines. Using your preferred search engine, type in the job title, vacancies and the search location. Make sure you use a commonly used job title, and avoid using acronyms.

For example, using Google, I typed in:

recruiter vacancies London

My search brought up a number of agencies advertising vacancies that could be of interest to me. You can register with several agencies. Normally they will ask you to fill in an application form in order to register and to upload your CV. (We will discuss writing your CV in the next article). Do not despair if there are no suitable vacancies right now – many agencies will notify you if vacancies matching your skill set and criteria become available in future. Remember, recruitment agencies get paid by the employing company, not by you. If a candidate put forward by an agency is successful – they receive commission, so the agencies have a vested interest in helping you find employment.

Another method of searching for jobs in your chosen field is to target employers directly. Many companies display their vacancies on their websites and you can apply and upload your CV online. They will often also accept open applications (if they have no current vacancies) and keep your CV on file for future reference should a vacancy arise in future.

You may already know of companies where you could be employed. If not, expand your horizons by doing more research.

Next time I’ll be helping you to write a targeted, professional and successful CV. Until then…

If you would like to find out more about me and/or the coaching I do with students, graduates and adults have a look at my website.

Lesley Fisher-Glenesk is founder of Unlock the Potential Within, the E-learning, training and coaching service for students and graduates who want to achieve their career potential

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