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Becta thrown into quango bonfire

Among the £6.25 billion of spending cuts announced by the government earlier today was the closure of the British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (Becta).

Through the Quango’s closure the government is hoping to make a saving of around £80 million.

In a joint statement released following the announcement, Becta chairman Graham Badman and chief executive Stephen Crowne said: “Naturally we are very disappointed at the government’s decision.”

“Becta is a very effective organisation with an international reputation, delivering valuable services to schools, colleges and children.”

“Our top priorities now are to make sure we have an orderly and fair process for staff, and that as far as possible schools, colleges and children continue to benefit from the savings and support that Becta has provided.”

Becta was set up in 1998 to provide support and direction to the national education policy with regards to technology.

From then on it claims to have saved significant amounts for the education system – around £223 million – through their own procurement agreements.

The closure comes as part of £670 million worth savings in the education sector.

Richard Lang

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