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LSC singles out six more 16-19 capital projects

Six more 16-19 capital projects have been given conditional approval by the Learning and Skills Council (LSC).

The announcement follows a Government pledge earlier this week that an additional £30m would be spent on capital builds for 16-19 year olds, on top of the £240m already assured. This means the total of investment in new 16-19 facilities over the current spending period now stands at £687m.

The additional projects were singled out because they fit strict Government criteria, which also ensures the final costings represent best value for money. They also “offer greater educational choice by providing a curriculum with greater breadth and balance”, says LSC chief executive Geoff Russell.

The projects singled out for approval are:

  • Altrincham College of Art
  • Blessed Thomas Holford College
  • Heathcote School (Chingford, London)
  • Phoenix High School (Shepherd’s Bush, London)
  • Lowestoft Sixth Form College
  • Sheffield College.

Iain Wright, Minister for 14-19 Reform, says: “I am delighted that these projects will be getting this investment for post-16 learning places. The number of students in this age bracket is growing all the time backed by the September Guarantee and the January Guarantee as well as an increase of 80,000 who will be getting the Education Maintenance Allowance.

“This means we have to increase the number of places available, especially in areas where there is a shortage which is why we need to invest on the capital side as well.”

LSC will decide the disposition of any funds remaining after its latest projects are finalised, following a full prioritisation review early next year.

(Pictured: LSC chief executive Geoff Russell)

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