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East Berkshire College receives good review in Ofsted report

East Berkshire College has been judged as consistently good by Ofsted following a week-long inspection in May.

The report, which is published today, says: ‘This is a good college with good capacity to improve’, ‘teaching and learning are good’ and ‘educational and social inclusion are outstanding’.

Principal Jean Robertson said: "We are delighted with Ofsted’s findings. They recognised that the learners’ experience and success is at the very heart of all we do. We are very focused on raising standards and helping each and every learner to reach their potential. The judgement of ‘outstanding’ for educational and social inclusion is critical for us because it demonstrates that we are a college for our communities, we are inclusive and we meet the needs of individuals and businesses."

The report goes on to say that financial management is "outstanding", the College provides good value for money and there is strong leadership, vision and strategic direction. Areas highlighted were:

Teaching and learning

"The quality of provision for teaching and learning are good. Courses provide good opportunities for progression."


"The college has a broad range of provision that is delivered at community venues to meet the needs of the local area and works well with an increasing number of employers."


"Accommodation and resources are good, in particular the Windsor campus. Value for money is good, reflecting good achievement and standards. Financial planning is outstanding."


"Care, advice, guidance and support for learners are good. The college offers a wide range of good support to ensure learner welfare and to promote personal development."

Activity programmes

"Learners have good opportunities to broaden their experience and enhance their personal development through a well-organised, wide-ranging and flexible programme of activities."

Working with employers

"The college works very collaboratively with local employers who appreciate its highly responsive, open and flexible approach."

Serving the community

"Strong and productive links exist with the community, schools, local authority and community organisations. Educational and social inclusion is outstanding."

Commitment to equal opportunities

"Support for learners with disabilities and learning difficulties is good."

Leadership and management

"Leadership and management are good. The leadership of the principal and senior management team is strong and well supported by governors."

People who wish to study at East Berkshire College can find out more by calling 0845 373 2500, going to or sending a free text. Text EBC, then your message, to 88020.

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