Promethean Introduces All-New ActivClassroom
Promethean,a global leader in interactive education technology solutions, today unveilsthe long anticipated redesign of its award winning collaborative classroomlearning solution: the ActivClassroom for Everyone.
Inaddition to transforming the ActivClassroom’s visual and experiential design,each major product line boasts significant upgrades and updates. Designed tocultivate immersive, collaborative learning environments by expanding itsfeatures, tools and resource integration capabilities, Promethean’s new seriesstarts with the feature-rich ActivBoard 300 Pro, complete with integrated soundand dual input/user capability. When combined with Promethean’s new motorisedheight-adjustable stand and 3D-enabled DLP projector, the new ActivBoard+2solutions represents a gateway to an unending universe of learning.
Breakthroughenhancements to ActivInspire, Promethean’s celebrated teaching and curriculumdevelopment software, combine with ActivExpression to empower students to learnat their own pace while giving teachers even more advanced, immediateassessment capabilities. The all-new ActiView camera, a visual presenter thatfacilitates the sharing of information and 3D objects, enables students tocollectively engage in any lesson. Other new releases and updates includePromethean’s ActivSound, ActivArena, ActivPens, ActivSDK, ActivSlate and ActivWand.
“TheActivClassroom has always been much more than an Interactive Whiteboard orLearner Response solution”, said Iwan Streichenberger, Chief Marketing Officerfor Promethean. “The ActivClassroom speaks to proven research about what worksin the classroom – integrating the most proven and effective solutions, withsuperior lesson design and delivery software, into one seamless system.”
Promethean’snew ActivClassroom, paired with the world’s fastest-growing interactivewhiteboard community – Promethean Planet, as well as unparalleled professionaldevelopment, empowers teachers around the world to better address the needs ofmodern day students.
ActivBoard:Promethean has tripled the number ofActivBoard options to ensure every teacher has a solution that meets theirneeds and budget. At the centre of the new line is the ActivBoard 300 Pro, afeature-rich upgrade and direct replacement for the current ActivBoard. Withbuilt-in speakers, an integrated amplifier, and two USB ports, Dual User input,and ActivInspire Professional Edition, the ActivBoard 300 Pro transforms theclassroom into a 360-degree educational environment.
TheActivBoard 300 is the perfect upgradable platform. Featuring Promethean’sclassroom-tough electromagnetic surface, two newly designed ActivPens with fullmouse capability and ActivInspire Professional software, the 300 can easily beupgraded to include speakers and Dual User functionality via an ActivArena 50upgrade pack.
TheActivBoard 100 Range provides a simple, cost-effective option for schoolsplanning to invest in educational technology for the first time or wishing toexpand their current range of interactive technology.
ActivBoard+2:Also new are the ActivBoard+2systems, (integrated ActivBoard, projector and mounting solutions) withenhanced design, available fixed or adjustable to suit. Both variations offer achoice of short-throw projectors – the PRM 20A (LCD) or the all new 3D-readyPRM 25 (DLP), each coming complete with an industry-leading 3,000-hour/3 yearlamp warranty, and providing bright, crisp and crystal-clear images. TheActivBoard+2 (height adjustable) comes with a new completely motorised standwith a convenient hand control for raising and lowering the ActivBoard bringinginteractivity to the fingertips of learners, and teachers, of every age range.
ActivArena:Facilitating vibrant groupcollaboration in the ActivClassroom, ActivArena allows two users to interactwith the ActivBoard at the same time, creating new levels of interaction andshared learning in the classroom. In addition to the two Teacher and Studentpens provided, the ActivArena Upgrade Pack includes a host of templates andactivities for immediate use.