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Employer Responsive Provider Support Manual 2008/09 – An Overview

The Employer Responsive Support Manual details changes to the individualised learner record (ILR) for 2008/9 and gives guidance to providers of work based learning programmes on how to submit their returns.


A new return category called the employer responsive data collection has been introduced to replace the work based learning (WLB) ILR and the closing date for submission has been brought forward. The manual also contains changes to the details required about each learner.

The new collection group will include apprenticeships, employability skills programmes and programmes co-funded by the European Cultural Foundation. It will also incorporate Train to Gain (TtG) learners, which includes adults taking NVQs in the work place. The employer responsive data collection will not include those undertaking Entry to Employment (E2E) programmes currently included in the WBL ILR. From 2008/9 they should be entered in the Learner Responsive ILR, but should be included in the WBL collection for 2007/8 with an indication of whether they will be continuing. Providers must also ensure all TtG learners are identified in the 2008/9 return to ensure the correct funding is received.

Amendments to the ILR system mean employers will be required to accurately estimate the length of the learning programme. This must comply with the minimum time recommended for the apprenticeship level to secure full funding. They must also include the reason for funding and the learning outcome grade. Fewer details about the nature of employment and learner’s background will be required.

The closing date for the employer responsive collection will be the fourth working day after the month ends. The form can be submitted online or uploaded as a batch file so long as the provider’s system complies with the rules for 2008/9. Employers will be allowed to use their own form providing it complies with the ILR requirements.


Morwenna Coniam 

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