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Video series launches to help the mental health of students, teachers and parents

Sheila McMahon, CEO of Mind Management For You

YouTube series to help students, teachers and parents 

A mental health expert and comedienne has launched a new Sunday night YouTube series to help students, parents and teachers.

Entitled Tip of the Week, the two minute video series, which is free, launched at the weekend and will run every Sunday night for the foreseeable future.

It’s the brainchild of Staffordshire’s Sheila McMahon, of Mind Management For You, and is designed to alleviate the pressure many feel on Sunday night as a new week looms into view, whether that be at school, Sixth Form, college, university or on an apprenticeship placement.

“Sunday night can be a tough time,” – Sheila McMahon

Shelia, of Lichfield, said: “Sunday night can be a tough time when we’re starting to prepare for the week ahead mentally and to start building ourselves up to it.

“It’s a time when people’s anxieties can start to take over and have a huge impact on their ability to cope when Monday comes around.

“That’s why I wanted to launch this free Sunday night series to help people where I can.”

Comedienne Sheila, who runs sell-out mental health comedy shows at Lichfield Garrick and online, added: “Some people have been taught that it’s a sign of weakness to show your vulnerability, but I think it’s the opposite.

“I think it takes great strength to be comfortable with our own vulnerability. So, allow yourself to be real – it can be exhausting otherwise.”

It’s ok not to be ok – Tip for the Week

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